Saturday, December 19, 2015

2016 LBLM Week 3 - Part 1

This has been a rough week, not sure where to start but I think the only day that went the way I planned was Wednesday - my mid-week long run. But first lets start at the beginning. Monday was a rest day and Tuesday.... I can't remember what or why but I ended up having to run 4.1 miles in the afternoon with Dorian and another 4.2 that evening with the dogs on the trails. Somehow miraculously I was able to get up Wednesday morning and go run 10 miles on the roads by myself. I ran 10 miles in 1:34:47 with an average pace of 9:28 min/mile and an elevation gain of 205 feet. It was 41 degrees, no wind and no kids.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:24
Mile 2 - 9:56
Mile 3 - 9:33
Mile 4 - 9:29
Mile 5 - 9:39
Mile 6 - 9:21
Mile 7 - 9:29
Mile 8 - 9:09
Mile 9 - 8:58
Mile 10 - 8:47

   Wednesday afternoon is when things went crazy, thanks to DH keeping me at work late, Dorian got a good 4 hour nap from 1 to 5 PM so even though we ended up going to bed at 10:30 PM he woke up at 3 AM and happily stayed awake until we headed to work Thursday morning - 9:30 AM. So yeah, I was able to take the dogs out on the trails that evening. We ran 6.3 miles in 1:05:37 with an average pace of 10:25 min/mile.
  I didn't get home until 9:50 PM and probably didn't get to bed until 10:45 PM so I felt like dog $h*t Friday morning when I woke up. I chose not to get up run, I was freaking tired and justified it by saying 2 days of rest out of a 7 day period isn't going to kill me as long as I get my long run in Sunday.
  Saturday went a little more smoothly, I woke up at 5 AM and get dressed - probably underdressed a little up top but I am sure I learned my lesson. The dogs and I headed to the trails, my Tahoe's thermostat said 27 when we got there but my garmin said 32.... it was freaking cold.
  The original plan was 7 miles Friday and 5 Saturday but for some reason I thought Saturday was 8 miles so we ended up running 9 miles instead. I was happy to realize that I ran an extra 4 miles this morning.
  We ran 9 miles in 1:30:26 and average pace of 10:03 min/mile. It was cold, and the dogs were cold but Jetta loved it.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:35
Mile 2 - 10:32
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 10:09
Mile 5 - 9:43
Mile 6 - 9:40
Mile 7 - 9:43
Mile 8 - 10:04
Mile 9 - 9:25

   Now lets just hope and pray that I can pull 18 miles out of nowhere tomorrow morning.

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