Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 LBLM Training Week 5 - Part 1 (and Mileage Stats)

  I woke up to a sleep deprived hangover this morning, like Mt. Everest had landed on top of me. I am not sure what happened last night around 8-9 PM but Dorian suddenly became this crazed, over-energized monkey, like he had gotten hold of coffee or an energy drink and he was just nuts. He didn't start "powering down" until around 1 AM. Then he had a few restless disturbances around 4:30, 5:20 and 6 AM.... but I felt like crap so I wasn't even considering a run this morning.
  I had a jolt of panic when I got onto and checked the dailies thread in our group (Beginners & Beyond), I knew Eric (the site/tech/administrator/creator guy) was doing maintenance on the log part at 9 PM last night but when I saw that people were downloading their logs just in case, I went to check my training log and at first everything looked okay but then I realized the annual and total stats were gone!!! After much freaking out, I was told to just go and modify my last run, then save it and sure even my stats were back. It was an issue with the "ticker". If I had ran this morning, I never would've realized the issue because I would have gotten back, logged my run and saved it and everything would've been back to normal. 
  I am having problems downloading my log to my computer so I am making a note right here, right now on my most important stats.
As of 12/31/2015
2015 mileage: 1,673.5 miles
Total Mileage: 5,405.4 miles

  Monday was a rest day, and Tuesday morning I went for a 8 mile run. It was 43 degrees with a feels like 39, weather forecast said 13 mph winds but my garmin says 7 mph W winds.... honestly I can't remember what it felt like. I ran the 8 miles in 1:16:24 with an average pace of 9:33 min/mile, elevation gain of 154 feet. I think I had to make a couple stops but can't remember.
Mile 1 - 10:00

Mile 2 - 9:46
Mile 3 - 9:29
Mile 4 - 9:36
Mile 5 - 9:47
Mile 6 - 9:18
Mile 7 - 9:24
Mile 8 - 9:02
    With this run I was at 181.6 miles for December, all I needed was a total of 18.4 miles Wednesday and Thursday to make 200 for December. I decided I was going to aim for 12 miles Wednesday and then 6-7 miles Thursday.

 Tuesday night DH stayed up ALL NIGHT watching youtube videos and then talking with his older boys so he didn't come to bed until 7 AM Wednesday morning. Suffice to say I didn't get my run in that morning, which was frustrating as I really wanted to make sure I got my 12 in and I prefer to get it over with first thing in the morning.
 I managed to get out the door just after 4 PM, as I don't like running the streets in daylight due to the punks out there... especially during Christmas break. 
  It was 39 degrees with a feels like 35, 6 mph WNW winds and 70% humidity... but humidity doesn't really matter when it is below 50 degrees. Around mile 7.6 I had stopped for a moment and then when I started up again I forgot to hit resume on my garmin so that was about .2 miles not timed. I had to add that to my end mileage and the minute that it took to run that. I was going to trace my steps but the house on this road has an invisible fence.... for a German Shepherd, a very BIG German Shepherd, and normally these owners only find out that their fence is weak or dead when a poor passerby finds out the hard way... I hate invisible fences!
  After that scare... I was back to getting it done.
I ended up running 12.3 miles in 1:54:59, or 12.1 in 1:52:59 if you don't count the extra .2  and the extra minute. An average pace of 9:14 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 250 feet and a loss of 257 feet.
Mile 1 - 9:33
Mile 2 - 9:26
Mile 3 - 9:09
Mile 4 - 9:15
Mile 5 - 9:17
Mile 6 - 9:10
Mile 7 - 9:16
Mile 8 - 10:18
Mile 9 - 9:10
Mile 10 - 9:11
Mile 11 - 9:18
Mile 12 - 9:11
.3        - 9:02

   That run gave me 193.9 miles, now all I NEED today is 6.1 miles and I'll have my second 200 mile month this year... and ever :)

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