Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week Two - LBLM Training - the Last 3 Days

  I've got to think of a better title for this training cycle, something short and punchy lol.
  Anyways, so at the moment the plan is to have Monday as a rest day even if I really want to run out of fear I might miss another day. That might not be an issue this week or next week as we're going to be having really nice weather, so even if I miss a morning's run I can still make some of it up in the afternoon pushing Dorian in the stroller. Maybe, just maybe they'll be right about the not so bad/cold weather this winter and I can get all the running that I need in.
Anyways, to the last 3-4 days.
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - I took the dogs out on the trails that morning and we ran 7.4 miles in 1:12:19 with an average pace. 
I also did some glute/butt exercises - 3 sets of 12 of something where you lay on your side, one leg on top of the other and lift the top leg. I did 3 sets for each leg.Then a few butt lift/bridge things for about 30 seconds each and 3 sets of 12 donkey kicks.
Wednesday - Not able to get up that morning, but I did manage to take Dorian out for a 4.3 mile run that afternoon so I moved my 10 miler to Thursday morning.
Thursday - I didn't get to sleep until midnight, so I was pretty tired and was starting to make excuses but I got up at 5 AM. I didn't know if I would have enough time to run 10 so I aimed for 8.
Around mile 6 I got a tag along that came out of her backyard. A young Golden Retriever, I even knocked on the door but nobody answered so she followed me for 2 miles before I stuck her in another yard - I've seen the older couple that live here and they have a small dog so I hoped that either they would let her out and she'd go home or they would take her. She had a collar on with address, but I didn't want to risk her crossing the busy road with me and getting hit.
I did manage to get in 10.1 miles, even with some stupid kid between mile 8 and 9 yelling "Run Forest, Run!"..... I hate middle school aged kids, and I would've yelled childishly "Run, Fatass, Run!!!" but my mouth was numb. And there were a few close calls with cars... as usual.
10.1 miles in 1:34:11 with an average pace of 9:20 min/mile, with 229 feet of elevation gain.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:01
Mile 2 - 9:44
Mile 3 - 9:28
Mile 4 - 9:26
Mile 5 - 9:20
Mile 6 - 9:25
Mile 7 - 9:13
Mile 8 - 9:01
Mile 9 - 8:55
Mile 10 - 8:46
.1        - 8:45

  We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

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