Monday, December 21, 2015

2016 LBLM Training Week 3 - The Long Run

I honestly didn't think it was going to happen, lately my phone has been jumping an hour ahead for no reason (it's a Samsung Galaxy Edge S6) and normally does it in the morning...... and likes to really do it around my alarms. So this morning when it was really 3:30, my phone said 4:30 and so my alarm went off. I hadn't planned to get up until 5 anyways but my alarm screwed me up, screwed up my morning. By the time I got up at 5:05, I was tired and again I was making up excuses not to get up and run dang it.
It was 36 degrees, and all was going okay... I used the bathroom before going but then had to stop at the gas station around 2.4 miles. I thought that was it and I was good to go, but nope... it was not.
 This morning was really tough, not easy at all and it had everything to do with my stomach and whatever I ate yesterday. I won't go into details about the ugly parts, but what should have taken me a total of 3 hours from leaving the house to getting back ended up taking me 4 hours (getting far back enough in the woods, untying my pants' string, getting attacked by thorns and then trying to sneak back out onto the road).
 But, in the end I got the 18 miles done even with all the negatives and my wishing I hadn't started this run. I just told myself to make it to mile 6 before thinking about the distance, then to mile 9 and tell myself I am halfway done and then to mile 12 and tell myself only 6 more miles or an hour.
  I ran the 18 miles in 2:45:42 with an average pace of 9:12 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 530 feet and a loss of 526 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:21

Mile 2 - 9:55
Mile 3 - 9:50
Mile 4 - 9:31
Mile 5 - 9:34
Mile 6 - 8:57
Mile 7 - 9:23
Mile 8 - 9:03
Mile 9 - 8:57
Mile 10 - 9:03
Mile 11 - 9:14
Mile 12 - 8:51
Mile 13 - 8:57
Mile 14 - 9:04
Mile 15 - 8:58
Mile 16 - 8:56
Mile 17 - 8:46
Mile 18: 8:20

Let me just repeat the finish time was 2:45:42, this past summer when I was trying to train for the 2016 Monumental I ran one 18 miler before it went to hell and I had ran it in 2:57:51, and in 2014 I ran a 2:55:17, a 3:03:28 and a 2:56:51 and a 3:01:01 which I think was my first ever 18 miler so I was pretty surprised to see that I've gotten faster... even with the stomach issues I had.
This was a tough week no doubt, and with my Piriformis thingy acting up I didn't think the long run was going to happen. I seriously need to get in to see massage therapist, I figured out that I've been dealing with Piriformis Syndrome all this year which is what caused issues with my Adductors and Hamstrings.
All in all, I got in 51.6 miles for week 3, not much more than last week but what is more important is that I got the 18 miler in Sunday.

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