Monday, November 16, 2015

Second Week of November

  Unfortunately I didn't reach 50 miles for the week, I only managed 47.2 miles but that still put me at 100.5 miles halfway through November. Last week was tough because I decided to take Monday as a rest day assuming I'd get my runs in the rest of the week. Well, Thursday was ruined because our cat woke Dorian up and then Friday was ruined because Dorian was just restless and having bad dreams so I ended up running 7.1 miles that night.
  Saturday I didn't get up early, DH has been working really hard on putting the walls up at the shop and it is really kicking his butt. There's was no way I could've kept up on my weight lifting and running for the last 2 months and him not really suffer from it. Maybe, just maybe once he is done with the walls and a lot of this hard, back-breaking labor and has a few days or a couple weeks of good sleep and not being worn out all the time, maybe then I can get back to the gym again. Not as obsessively as I was of course, because hopefully by that point I'll be preparing to run the LBLM and then preparing to train for my first 50 mile race (or 50k, depending on my training).
  Anyways, so Friday I ran 7.1 miles that night and then Saturday I took Dorian out for a 5 mile run which I ran in 47:06 with an average pace of 9:25 min/mile, it's so weird that those paces feel like some effort by myself but when I run with the stroller it doesn't feel all that hard. I was hoping to get in another 4-5 miles later that night but DH didn't get home until 9 PM. Sunday was looking tough.
  Sunday around noon I took Dorian for another run, hoping I could get in 5 miles while trying to take it easy and slow as I really wanted to hit the trails that night with the dogs to get in 9-12 miles. Those 5 miles ended up being pretty fast, even with the hills and I still really didn't feel like I was giving a huge amount of effort.
My splits looked like this:
Mile 1 - 9:35
Mile 2 - 8:54
Mile 3 - 9:06
Mile 4 - 9:13
Mile 5 - 9:16

   The last 2 miles were slower than I wanted (but where I should've been) due to all the Sunday family walkers that like to take up the whole pathway and then other runners/walkers/cyclists coming from the other direction. It is a bit annoying to say the least but I ran those 5 miles in 46:06 with an average pace of 9:13 min/mile.
   DH ended up coming home around 5:30 PM, after I got his and Dorian's dinner done me and the dogs were out the door and headed for the trails. I learned a lesson that night - don't eat whiskey fudge before a run.... on trails.... at night.... luckily I didn't trip but the first 2 miles were very tricky and I was sure that I was going to break something. Even after running 5 fast miles earlier that day, I ended running some of my fastest trail training splits....
  I did choose to run only 9.1 miles as that would total 14.1 miles for the day and I just didn't think it was a good idea to add another 3 miles and end up with 17 miles as my longest run in the last few months was just 2 weeks ago and that was only 13 miles.
  We ran 9.1 miles in 1:32:13 with an average pace of 10:08 min/mile, and spooked quite a few deer that were already laying down for the night.
Splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:35
Mile 2 - 10:12
Mile 3 - 10:05
Mile 4 - 10:08
Mile 5 - 10:24
Mile 6 - 9:52
Mile 7 - 9:53
Mile 8 - 10:14
Mile 9 - 9:57
.1      - 8:49

    This week is going to be pretty raining Monday through Wednesday, so far Monday turned into a no run day as Dorian was restless from 4:30 AM to daylight. If I can get out tomorrow morning, even in rain I am going to do it dang it.

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