Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tougher Than Last Week

  This week ain't over yet, I've still got Sunday tomorrow but let's focus on the last few days since Monday. Somehow this week has been a lot tougher than last week and I somehow managed to get 50 miles without pissing off my hubby. This week I struggled through, not getting up in the morning to run so I would run in the evening which felt like I was trashing my legs on the trails. It was just a really hard week to get through, and maybe partially because my mind was constantly on reaching 200 miles this month.
  I'm not really going to focus on the runs as far as laps/splits, just what I ran when.
Monday - 6 miles with Dorian in the evening
Tuesday -  6 miles on the trails with the dogs (morning)
Wednesday - 6 miles on the trails with the dogs (night)
Thursday - 4.3 miles on the trails with the dogs (night)
Friday - Full Moon Fever Trail 5k

   Now for the race, it was at night and part of a series that I wasn't apart of until this race because over the last 5 months I had been training for a marathon that ended up not happening. So I registered for this race last week or the week before, figured I'd get a little competitive even though I loathe 5k's. 
  In short, I ran the 5k in 24:47 with an average pace of 8:00 min/mile, winning 1st place in my AG (20-29) and 2nd place overall female. 

  At this point I had a total of 25.4 miles and 186.2 for October, I needed at least 14 miles to reach my goal.... which would have been less had I not been so lazy and slacked during the mornings. And I wasn't sure what time Cameron would get home Saturday night, so I broke our deal (Saturday mornings he gets to sleep in) and was out the door with the dogs by 5:42 AM. 
  As soon as we got on the trails I realized just how sore and tired my legs were from Friday night's race.... I really didn't see 14 happening and that pissed me off. I kept going, even though I felt like crap and was struggling. In short by mile 6.3 we were headed to the Tahoe to drop my headlamp and hydration pack off (it was aggravating me, and I really didn't feel the need for it), that is when Cameron called. Of course my phone was in my hydration pack so I couldn't answer, once at the Tahoe I tried to call him back but he didn't answer. We headed home at that point, I was nervous that he was pissed off. We managed to run 6.3 miles in 1:06:09 with an average pace of 10:30 min/mile.
Lap/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:46
Mile 3 - 10:20
Mile 4 - 10:14
Mile 5 - 10:40
Mile 6 - 10:14
.3      - 9:34

    Sure enough, he wasn't happy although he didn't show it for the first 15 minutes. Dorian woke him up at 6 AM, and then had a really poopy diaper, and kept him awake. We got home at like 7:40 AM, let's just say it wasn't a pleasant morning. I felt bad, yes I did... but I was more aggravated that Dorian does this, when the heck is he going to either stay asleep or figure out that he can go into the living room and turn on the Roku (netflix or amazon) and watch his letters/number movies without waking Daddy???? Or even just play in his room, if he would just stop waking up while I am gone, or be quiet when awake, this wouldn't be an issue. I mean, I am pretty sure that it's going to be another year or 2 before he is able to run with me dang it.
   I still needed 7.5 miles, and it was going to have to involve Dorian in his stroller, this wasn't going to be easy. After grocery shopping and deal with a garage door being jammed (and my freaking out about it), I finally changed my clothes and we headed out to the Newburgh riverfront.

  At first it didn't feel awful, but I could soon feel how tired my legs were.... this was going to be a tough run..... could I make it 7.5 miles and reach my goal of 200 miles for October? The temperature was 63 degrees, and 10 mph SSW winds, and 55% humidity. Dorian had fallen asleep on the way there and pretty much stayed asleep for the first 45 minutes... maybe an hour.
  I drank all of my fluid from my 21 oz bottle, a first for me. I probably stopped and paused and gained what bearings I could each mile and sometimes half a mile. But after many stops and pushing myself and reminding myself why I was out there, I reached 7.5 miles in 1:11:40 with an average pace of 9:34 min/mile and with that I had reached 200 miles for October!!!! 
  With an elevation gain of 255 feet and a loss of 286 feet, I had struggled and fought for this modest goal, and this week was an extremely tough week.... if only I could repeat last week over and over again.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 9:29
Mile 3 - 9:26
Mile 4 - 9:34
Mile 5 - 9:22
Mile 6 - 9:27
Mile 7 - 9:29
.5       - 9:03

     And with that, I've got 39.2 miles this week.. so if I am feeling well enough this afternoon I will try for 4-6 miles just so I can get over 40 miles.

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