Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Almost Froze During Yesterday's 5 Miler

    I am excited, the beginning of 2013 and all the races I have lined up already. My first race is the Hearts on Fire 5k in February (02/09/2013), I bonked last year due to not logging enough mileage from November to February and misjudging the difference 15 lbs of baby weight would make. I didn't even make it a mile before I had to drop out and call it failure, I remember my legs being heavy as lead, it was freezing cold and I felt like crap.
    I plan on making up for that this time, and even getting a PR for the 5k, hoping I can run a sub 9 min/mile or at least finish around 28:59 or faster. Maybe it is just foolish hope but I feel this year is going to be a great year, my little boy turns 1 in 3 months and a few days, I've got 4 Half Marathons planned and a few 5k's, 10k's and I really honestly believe I can set some PR's with these. The St. Louis Half is supposedly hilly but I am not too worried as I've been running on hills a lot these last couple months.
    Tuesday's 5 miles was a freezing, cold miserable one but I did it and it involved hills though the only elevation gain was 96 feet (ugh). I ran 53 minutes and 21 seconds with an average pace of 10:39, my splits were:
    Mile 1 - 11:07
    Mile 2 - 10:44
    Mile 3 - 10:56
    Mile 4 - 10:28
    Mile 5 - 10:04

    This year is going to be great, I can feel it. As long as I don't do anything stupid that would cause me to injure myself. I don't know about the course at the Flying Pig Half Marathon, but I am concerned with it being in May..... I hope the weather is nice on that day. The Evansville Half I have ran twice so I am looking forward to running it with no injury and no pregnancy, and supposedly the Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon is a great course for setting a pace and PR so I am excited for that one too. By the end of this year I am going to have 4 new Finisher's Medals along with a medal for the Spartan Sprint. Yep... I am excited!

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