Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Snowy 6.2 Miles Tonight

  I honestly didn't plan for a tempo run tonight, after Tuesday's eh okay run I really just told myself to take it easy and enjoy the run the best I could. It was better than last week's 6 miler, I almost planned on doing 7 miles but then I told myself that so far my training plan hasn't done me wrong and I am still without injury (knock on wood) so I am going to stick to my plan. I did add on .2 miles though :)
  Other than it being an okay run, I was pelted in the eyes for the whole 6.2 miles with snow. Half the time I was staring at the ground lol, but it was a nice run and I will consider it a tempo run. I ran 1:03:46 with a moving time of 1:03:06, strange how the garmin states those two different times. My average pace was 10:18 and I am happy with that, my legs felt good and I felt good. I ended January with 89.2 miles, the plan had an extra 12 miles BUT I took one weekend as a rest day (9 mile long run) and for the last 2 weeks I had dropped my 2nd easy run from 5 to 3 miles so I could start bring Rocky along with me. I feel really good about January, and I feel really good about this year.
   My splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:19
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 10:05
Mile 5 - 10:29
Mile 6 - 10:19
.2      - 9:03

   Note: Around the last mile a couple of loose dogs came my way, one seemed a bit questionable but I kept talking to them firmly, telling them to get on their way and I was prepared to use my pepper spray but they went on their way so it was all good.

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