Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Last Night's Run

  Last night I was going to run 6, because I was feeling so great even 2 days after my 9 mile long run but after a bit of thinking I felt it best to stick to my running plan and I ran 5 instead. My knees did hurt some, but I think mainly because I was off stride most of the time, these skate park punks kind of screwed me up in the very beginning. I won't go into details, but I sure do dislike that type of group, most of them are obnoxious, inconsiderate of others and just plain annoying. Anyways, other than that my run went pretty well and hopefully my 6 mile tempo will go well tomorrow night.
   I finished at 52:42 with an average pace of 10:31 so it was definitely an easy run, slower than I like. My splits were:
   Mile 1 - 10:29
   Mile 2 - 10:58
   Mile 3 - 10:18
   Mile 4 - 10:17
   Mile 5 - 10:35

Strange because throughout the day I actually felt great, and I was expecting an awesome run, but it didn't happen. It wasn't awful like last week's tempo but it wasn't how I felt. Oh well, just another run and I got it done.

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