Friday, January 25, 2013

A Crappy 6 mile Run Last Night

   I don't honestly know what was wrong, but last night's run wasn't great at all. My legs felt like lead and my average pace was 11:26 and my time was 1:08:39, like 8 minutes slower than my last two 6 mile tempo runs. I had planned for a 5 mile easy run tonight, but after last night I think I am just going to run 3 easy miles with Rocky and then run my 9 mile long run on Sunday (hopefully). I was aiming for a weekly mileage of 25 starting about 2 weeks ago but last week I managed 20 and the week before was 16 because I chose not to run my 9 mile long run (took a rest weekend). This week I was going to hit 25, but since I am scaling tonight's run back to 3 instead of 5, it'll end up being 23 if I run my 9 mile long run Sunday. Hopefully tonight's run goes better, and Sunday's long run goes well, I am going to keep my fingers crossed.

My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:07
Mile 2 - 12:03
Mile 3 - 11:40
Mile 4 - 11:24
Mile 5 - 11:31
Mile 6 - 10:51

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