Thursday, January 3, 2013

6 Miles tonight

  Tonight I have to admit that I did not want to go out there and run, don't ask me why but I was reluctant. I got out there and did it anyway, and I am glad that I did. I was 24 seconds slower than the last 6 miles but running on snow and ice can be difficult, I tried to avoid most of it but there were some parts that were just unavoidable. My average pace was 10:08, 6 miles in an hour and 24 seconds. 
   My splits were:
  Mile 1 - 10:47
  Mile 2 - 10:17
  Mile 3 - 10:23
  Mile 4 - 10:14
  Mile 5 - 10:07
  Mile 6 - 8:58

   I am a little nervous about the 5k in February, I am usually not warmed up until after 1 or 2 miles.... especially in the cold it can sometimes take 4 miles for me. I am trying to think of how I am going to warm up properly so that I can run a sub 9 average. I want the first mile to be about 10 minutes, MAYBE 10:30 but then I want to pick up the pace at mile 2 and get it as close to 9 minutes as I can, then busting below 9 minutes by the last mile. These are one of the reasons I hate the cold, if it were a 10k I wouldn't have any issues as I would have 3 miles to warm up and speed up but 3 miles is short.... Hmm...mmmm...
  My abs hurt, literally. Tuesday I did the plank for 2 minutes (I keep getting a head rush for some reason causing me to stop around 2 minutes), then I played around with the ab wheel and did a few other ab workouts, last night I did 9 sets of 100 bicycle crunches and woke up this morning sore (AWESOME!!!!). Tomorrow I will do the plank again, and play with the ab wheel and some other ab exercises, I like feeling sore.

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