Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Good 9 Mile Long Run

  I would say I got some good sleep last night, Dorian slept without any interruption from 12:30 a.m to 7:00 a.m when I got him up to feed him and then he went back to sleep. I fixed Cameron's bacon and was out the door by 8:34 for my 9 mile long run. No magic to it, just took each mile as they came and I enjoyed being out there. It would definitely have to be considered better than my 6 mile run on Thursday, my 3 mile run Friday wasn't awful but Rocky was a bit of a spaz so it wasn't peaceful. This morning's run was about 5 minutes longer than last week, but enjoyable. It was nice being out there, running along the rural roads and the peacefulness. Thirty degrees, no real wind until around 8 miles when I turned against it, but not bad. If all my runs could be like this morning was, that would be nice. Well, the 6 mile tempos could be as good as the two before this last one. Anyways, this morning good and I plan on doing at least 3 more 9 mile long runs before I up it to 10 miles. I want to be without pain during my long runs, and to do it right so I can prevent any injuries. 
My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:38
Mile 2 - 11:35
Mile 3 - 11:21
Mile 4 - 11:15
Mile 5 - 11:14
Mile 6 - 10:52
Mile 7 - 10:44
Mile 8 - 10:53
Mile 9 - 10:12

I kept it nice and slow, the first half stayed above 11 minutes like I wanted and then I sped up just a bit after 6 miles. Next weekend I'll run 9 miles, and then the following is my first 5k race and I am excited!!!!!

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