Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tonight's 8 mile long run

   It definitely was not the greatest, I am not going to lie. Lately I've been thriving on 2-5 hours of sleep, while trying to keep up my runs and taking care of my little boy who is teething and dealing with separation anxiety. I almost didn't go for my run tonight, I was scared that I didn't have the energy to do 8 miles and that I would get stuck out there. Luckily I finished it in 1 hour and 25 minutes, 6 minutes faster than my last 8 mile run back on 09/3/12 which sucked due to the heat.
   Thirty degrees starting out and dropping the whole time, with an elevation gain of 284 ft my splits were:
   Mile 1 - 10:57
   Mile 2 - 11:10
   Mile 3 - 11:13
   Mile 4 - 10:57
   Mile 5 - 11:08
   Mile 6 - 10:47
   Mile 7 - 10:23
   Mile 8 - 9:02

  Not to mention that nearing the 6.6 turnaround to head home I almost got ran off the road by an jerk in a truck pulling a trailer, he didn't even move over slightly or slow down.. I had to jump off the road and into the snow. My average pace was 10:42, not bad for feeling like crap, I made it to 81 miles for December and hopefully I won't regret it.

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