Monday, December 3, 2012

Tonight's Run

   I don't really feel like saying a lot, I ran 5 miles tonight. I haven't been doing quite as super as I did that one week, but I am mainly keeping it safe. Today is the first full day without my best friend, I am not sobbing like crazy but I feel an empty hole in my heart and everywhere I look there is something that reminds me of her. It's going to take a long time to recover from her death, a lot of people say that but Molly was with me since I was almost 12 years old and up to just a month after I turned 25 years old. She has been through so many parts and milestones in my life that I don't feel right without her, it just doesn't feel the same with her gone. We found Rocky in 2009, 8 weeks old but I know it won't quite feel the same with his passing, Molly grew with me, she became my shadow and pretty much an extension of me and now that extension is gone and I feel a huge part of me died with her. My late childhood, my teens and adolescence, and my early adult years have all had her there beside me. If only I could have given her 10 years of my life, just 10 more years but I know that is impossible. Part of me seriously thought about Cryo-genics or whatever, where they freeze people or animals and bring them back to life down the road.... but Cameron didn't think it would be right. This just sucks....
   My time was 55 minutes and 45 seconds, my splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:10
Mile 2 - 10:51
Mile 3 - 11:14
Mile 4 - 11:31
Mile 5 - 10:55

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