Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Much Warmer Trail Run

 This morning was about 20 degrees warmer than last Saturday but still 47 degrees and I wore my capri's, gloves, an under armour thermal shirt and then a loose shirt on top. Around the 2nd or 3rd mile I really wanted to take my long sleeves and gloves off but I didn't want to head back to the Tahoe so I said screw it. I ran 6 miles Wednesday and thought about running another 6 on the trails today but I opted to do only 5.5 instead, I didn't run Thursday or Friday letting my legs recover from Wednesday AND I was pretty sleep deprived Friday so I chose not to use up what energy I didn't have.
  This morning's run lasted for an hour and 2 minutes, felt great and I loved being out there on the trails. My splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:00
Mile 2 - 11:48
Mile 3 - 11:33
Mile 4 - 11:29
Mile 5 - 11:23
.53 - 10:12

  I think during winter I am going to do my weekend longs runs on the trails, at least as much as possible; and who knows, during snowy/icy mornings I might take my camera with me and after running I might walk through and take some photos.

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