Friday, December 28, 2012

A 2 in the Morning Run

   Due to some pretty hectic things going on today and this weekend, I decided this morning to sneak my Friday run in at 2:00 a.m as soon as Dorian fell to sleep. Of course he apparently woke up somewhere in the middle and Cameron had to bring him into the bed with him while I was out. I ran 5 miles in 52 minutes and 14 seconds, Wednesday's 5.2 mile run was 53 minutes and 18 seconds. It is nearly daylight outside with all the snow on the ground, it was so peaceful and just amazing out there. The first mile sucked though; I was concerned that my run would suck, Dorian kept me up all night the night before and even I was mentally awake and alert and feeling fresh, my body was not. After the first 2 miles my body was finally getting into the groove, my splits were:
   Mile 1 - 10:34

   Mile 2 - 10:52
   Mile 3 - 10:46
   Mile 4 - 10:11
   Mile 5 - 9:49
   I made up for it near the end, so I am pretty pleased with the run. This week I am aiming for 8 miles but might go ahead and do 7 depending on how the weather is and how my body is feeling. Right now I am at 73 miles for December, and November's mileage was 61 so if I leave December where it is I will still be 12 miles more than November, if I go ahead and run 7 or 8 miles I will reach 80-81 miles and be as much as 20 miles more than November. I am just wondering if it's too much. I think if I do run 7 or 8 I will take Monday and Tuesday as rest days, get back into it Wednesday and run 5 miles. I should be fine if I do it that way.

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