Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ultras are back on the Brain (It's Long!)

  Since the Backside Trail Half, I have started thinking about ultra races again and a lot. Those trails have me craving trails again, sadly though with my weight lifting I just can't figure out how to make time other than hitting the trails once a week (Saturday). I am so bored with Angel Mounds (flat as flippity fudge figs), but John James Audubon State Park doesn't open until 7 AM... which on a Saturday isn't bad because my husband doesn't get up until 8 or 9 AM, and it would help me prepare for the hilly trails that I would be looking at.

  First things first though, Monday was complete rest day and I was so freaking sore it wasn't funny. Yesterday wasn't nearly as bad, I did get up and go to the gym for back day and gave it about 85% of my all, I have been dealing with this stupid sore throat thing since Sunday night. 
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 60lbs 
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps 
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 55 lbs 
Parallel Lat Grip Pull Down: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 60lbs 
Seated Cable Row: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8rep

I normally have one more machine to do, but it was busy and I was okay with that. I headed home after 55 minutes of weight lifting. Later in the afternoon I took Dorian and Rocky for an easy 3 mile walk which lasted about 59 minutes and I didn't feel too bad from that at all so good sign. I did a few sets of crunches on the stability ball, 2 of those sets with Dorian sitting on me.

This morning I woke up not nearly as sore and achy as yesterday, my legs are actually feeling pretty good now. I headed to the gym for focus on Biceps, Triceps and Chest, about an hour and 7 minutes.
Standing Dumbbell Curls: 20lbsX30reps, 22.5lbsX16reps, 20lbsX30reps, 22.5lbsX16reps, 20lbsX30reps, 22.5lbsX20reps
Loaded Plate Incline Chest Press: 90lbsX8reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX8reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX8reps, 90lbsX8reps
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX8reps, 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX8reps, 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX8reps
Fly Delt: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Down: 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps
Standing Barbell Curls: 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX16reps, 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX16reps, 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX16reps

Seated Chest Press: 60lbsX12reps, 65lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 65lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps

  Later today we'll probably go for another 3 mile walk, I've got no plans to run until at least Friday if I am feeling really good and that would only be an easy 3 or 4 miler.

 Back to Ultras, I have been googling some and I am trying to avoid serious winter races and serious summer races due to how I deal with those in long distances. I also want to avoid any that might get in the way of the Evansville Half Marathon and the Monumental Marathon as I feel a severe amount of loyalty to Evansville's Half Marathon and I really enjoy the Monumental. Also, this year's Monumental training and race will decide if I am ready to attempt the training for an Ultra... 

  There are a couple of choices, and within 2-3 hour driving distance. 

   First, you might and will ask why not a 50k... well because on the website I searched, I saw no 50k's really within 2-3 hours driving and not during the months I am trying to avoid.
  Those are just a couple I just pulled up quick and with distance and seasons in mind, the one that makes the most sense is the September race. 
  1. Training through Spring and Summer is MUCH easier than training through our crappy Winter and Spring... due to snow and flooding.
  2. And it would give me a proper/adequate time/month to rest and recover from this year's Monumental Marathon. Whereas if I chose either March or May's races, I would have to immediately start training and would probably fall to pieces and fail miserably..... I DON'T WANT THAT!!!
  3. Training throughout the Spring and Summer for a 50 miler in September would put me in enough shape to ease through the Evansville Half Marathon in October and possibly enjoy the Monumental Marathon (or half) in November.
  4. And it would give me ultimately enough time to build my base mileage up near 50 miles per week before starting a training cycle of say 18-20 weeks peaking around 70-75 miles per week. 
I think a lot about things don't I......? Lol, this year's marathon training cycle is hopefully going to have me around 50 miles per week when I begin and peaking around or near 60, training starts in July. Right now or starting next week will be focusing on building up to a 45-50 miles per week base while enjoying the Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon and the inaugural Harmonie Trail Half at the end of May. Last year I honestly think my training wasn't bad at all, especially since I made it myself... I'll try to stick to that but add a couple of doubles during the week that will involve Dorian. I would like to get in 3 20 miles runs this time, rather than just 2 but 4-5 18 milers would be just as good. Link to training plan:

  Now it's not set in stone yet, I'll be constantly changing it before it even begins and throughout but hopefully it'll be just as good an experience as last year's training was. It'll also show me if I am ready to step into the world of Ultra-Running.
  Any advice is great advice, maybe somebody knows somebody who knows somebody with some really good unknown or little known trails I could run on that are near me.... (huh huh... no...? Fine).

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