Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week Nine, Day 7 and a MILESTONE!!!!

  Well, this morning almost didn't happen... or at least I got a little worried that it wouldn't when Dorian woke up at 3 AM, my alarm wasn't going to go off until 4 AM so I pretty much lost an hour of sleep. Dorian did fall back to sleep in time so I was able to get up and get dressed, it was 37 degrees so I tried to dress warmly but not too warm. 
   I forgot to stop and take a selfie at mile 1.8 but I made sure to take a couple at the end. Rocky started to lag a little behind my comfortable pace around mile 2 and to the finish, it was really tough on hills. He didn't do too bad if he was able to run on the grass but his pace was trying to set around a 10 min/mile pace while mine was around a 9:30 min/mile. I don't think he was feeling too good, he was trying to eat grass each time we would stop... he didn't stop to poop at all during the run but probably peed about a gallon total.
  I didn't think I was going too fast really, but my mile 6 pace was pretty fast so I tried to slow it down some.
   I didn't have too much soreness, surprisingly as I expected some soreness after yesterday's 6.3 miles. I did begin to feel sore around the Piriformis or the stops between my glute and hamstring but not bad. I had planned on doing some leg strengthening afterwards but decided against it, I'm a bit sore lol.
  Rocky and I ran 10.2 miles in 1:39:23 with an average pace of 9:45 min/mile, the elevation is off (again) but I would say around 300 feet of gain.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:34
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:54
Mile 4 - 9:48
Mile 5 - 9:49
Mile 6 - 9:27
Mile 7 - 9:40
Mile 8 - 9:37
Mile 9 - 9:30 
Mile 10 - 9:03
Mile 10.2 - 8:40

     This morning's run brought my weekly mileage to 35.9 miles, I am slowly getting back to where I want to be mileage wise for my base before starting my marathon training this summer. 
   And it also brought me over 4,000 miles :) :) :) 4,009 miles to be exact as of this morning.

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