Friday, July 19, 2013

This Morning's Run

   First off, I almost didn't get out the door. Dorian woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off and I held him in bed for about 10-15 minutes before getting out of bed, getting ready all the while praying that he doesn't wake back up. I was going to leave him in the bed with Cameron, but he was way to restless so I snuck him back into his crib and raced out the door. 
  Temperature was 73 degrees, humidity at 100% and dew point around 72 but thankfully the sun wasn't out so it wasn't 100% awful, I actually wasn't feeling too awful to be honest though I kept it easy and slow. My right quad is kind of hurting in one spot, almost sore for some reason so I am trying to ice it and stretch as much as possible. 
  Five miles in 53:37 with an average pace of 10:43 min/mile so I will definitely call that an easy, slow recovery run.
Mile 1 - 11:48
Mile 2 - 10:29
Mile 3 - 10:30
Mile 4 - 10:19
Mile 5 - 10:29

   So yeah, it was kind of slow for me, but that is what a recovery run is supposed to be so I will not complain.

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