Sunday, July 21, 2013

First 10 Miler Since March

  It has been just a few days of 4 months since my last 10 miler, and this run was 5 minutes faster. I only got a few hours of sleep, then got my butt up at 5 and out the door by 5:15, and headed off without a second though. Temperature was 72 degrees, humidity 100% and dew point 70 so not entirely awful but not cold like I prefer for these runs. Total elevation gain was 251 feet, and a loss of 281 feet, there was a really long, steady hill just between miles 4 and 5 and it about kicked my butt but it didn't stop me. I ran the ten miles in 1:35:35 with an average pace of 9:33 min/mile, my fastest pace and time for 10 miles yet as my last 10 mile run was 1:40:xx. It felt good overall, the sun didn't really shine a whole lot but then again there was a lot of tree cover for me so that made things easier.
  My splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:53
Mile 2 - 9:51
Mile 3 - 9:52
Mile 4 - 9:37
Mile 5 - 9:42
Mile 6 - 9:24
Mile 7 - 9:14
Mile 8 - 9:15
Mile 9 - 9:24
Mile 10 - 8:21

   Overall it was a great run, it could have been much worse but it went really well for my first 10 in 4 months. I got back home, took a shower and jumped back in bed for 3 1/2 hours to cuddle with Dorian and get the hours I didn't get before the run. I woke up before 11 sore as heck, my legs don't want to walk and I don't want to either lol. Tomorrow morning's 4 miles will definitely be slow and easy, and hopefully not too sore.

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