Monday, August 5, 2013

This Morning's Not so Awesome 4 Miler

   Lack of sleep basically had me drained this morning, I didn't want to get up and go out and I found myself making quite a few excuses in the first mile to turn around and go back home and to bed. Dorian and I went to bed at ten last night but he tossed and turned quite a bit, which kept me up just a little but it wasn't until 4:30 that he really woke up and I decided the only way I'd get out the door was if I got up, red him and held him in the recliner until he went to sleep. We got back in bed just five minutes until 5 and I stayed in bed until my alarm clock went off at 6 and even then I had to force myself up. The run wasn't awful, though I am glad that tomorrow morning I will get to sleep in until 7-8 a.m. My legs were a bit sore, but it was a nice 61 degrees with 100% humidity that wasn't really noticed until the sun got a little higher in the sky. I ran the four miles in 41:40 with an average pace of 10:25 min/mile, not bad but I had really wanted to run 5 since I don't know if I am going to run Thursday or Friday as I have a 10k race this coming Saturday. We'll just have to see, Wednesday morning's 6 will just be an easy 6 miles with no attempt of speed play. 
My splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 11:22
Mile 2 - 10:45
Mile 3 - 10:10
Mile 4 - 9:20

    Overall, not a bad run and I haven't fallen asleep so far since though I figured I would be falling asleep by now lol. Glad I got it done, and hopefully I'll gain some energy before Saturday's race because I hope to do my best.

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