My alarm went off at 4 this morning to get up and eat a little something, so I ate half of a cinnamon raisin english muffin with a tbs of peanut butter and a tbs of honey, drank 16 oz of water and went back to bed. Second alarm clock went off at 5:00 a.m so I got up and took 10 minutes to decide on which shorts to wear, I didn't want my really loose ones but my favorite ones would have been showing my butt cheeks so bad I would not be posting pics of them, I finally decided on my regular running shorts that are a bit tight but don't come up past my cheeks which is good. I pinned the bib on my shorts, though due to retaining water I wasn't planning on taking my shirt off. All of this while drinking a cup of coffee, then I went for a 1.5 mile easy run to loosen myself up and thought Oh My Gosh the humidity! I was really feeling down at that point, and was thinking of excuses not to do the race.
By 6 a.m I get little bit up and feed him and then get big bit up so we can go, on the expressway/hwy thing I'll be honest that I lost count on how many times I tried to talk myself into turning around and going back to bed. Since starting my running "career", I've backed out of probably 5 races on intuition and never really regretted those decisions.... but this time I knew that if I listened to my fears and doubts I would regret it. I just told myself to finish the race, even if it would be a slow one, I just wanted to finish.

First mile my watch said 9:18, pretty good and I felt okay except for hints of mutiny from my stomach. I just reminded myself to go by feel, try to keep a challenging pace but not to the point of puking or worse.
Mile 2 - 8:50
Mile 3 - 8:52
I tried to keep it around 8:50 and below 9 min/mile, I was doing much better than I expected for this race but I was only half way done and anything could happen still.
Mile 4 - 8:41
Mile 5 - 8:49
At this point I had found a few people to tag along with, and I kept reminding myself I was almost done. This stretch is probably always the hardest for me at this particular race, the finish is just parallel to me and a block over, we pass it to keep going down the road before we do the little loop/turn onto that street and head to the finish. I let myself pick up the pace just a bit, with a stomach still threatening mutiny and to make an ugly scene.... I really wanted to give it a better kick but... eh.
Mile 6 - 8:32 and I thought "thank God!", I gave what little kick I had and that little last bit (.2) saw 7:24 min/mile though I highly doubt I could have kept that up at this point.
Coming across the finish mats and stopping my watch, it read 54:39 with an average pace of 8:47 min/mile................. I beat my crazy goal by 1 minute and 20 seconds at a race I figured would end with misery. I reminded myself how glad I was that I didn't listen to my fears and doubts and ran back home to hide, if I had I wouldn't have set my new PR for a 10k today. Not only did I set a PR, but I placed 3rd in my division F 25-29 so this year I've placed 1st in a 5k, 2nd in a 4 miler and 3rd in a 10k... and I have another freaking trophy!!!!!!
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