Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some Amazing Weather Today

   This morning I was up and out the door to a wonderful 57 degrees and like no humidity, it felt amazing to be out. I was so giddy with excitement, I wish everyday could feel like this, all day it didn't get above 76 degrees. Total elevation was 111 feet, I ran 6 miles in 59:22 and an average pace of 9:59 min/mile. The only issue was my empty stomach, but that wasn't much of an issue anyways.
My splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:44
Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 10:00
Mile 4 - 9:47
Mile 5 - 9:41
Mile 6 - 9:24

   It was an awesome start to the day, so awesome that I wish I was able to run 10 miles instead of the 6. Well, apparently the 6 miles wasn't enough and I needed more. On a spur of the moment decision I decided to go for a trail run, break in the new trail shoes I bought back in June and enjoy this beautiful 73 degrees as much as possible, humidity was down to 41%. This was also probably my fastest trail run, I meant to only run 2 miles but ended up running 2.5 in 24:53 with an average pace of 9:57 min/mile.
Mile 1 - 10:39
Mile 2 - 9:30
.5      - 9:27

    It felt great, the whole day has felt great and just wonderful. I wish it could feel like this all year round, 365 days a year and I would be very happy. Today gives me 8.5 miles, I might cut back to 3 miles instead of 5 Friday just to avoid any possible soreness or injury, I still have a 10 miler Sunday.

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