Monday, December 27, 2010

Running in Snow!

I can say as of today, I could get used to this whole running in winter and even 20 degree weather. At first I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to handle it, but now I wish I would've done it sooner. Today I made it 3 miles in just around 30 minutes with no problem at all, I honestly felt I could've done more but from early experience I do not want to push it and end up injured (AGAIN). I'm am just going to slowly ease my way through my 3 mile plateau which has been keeping me down for the past 3 months, but I am confident that I will get past it with the new year and January. I am excited with the New Year, excited with new chances and possible new experiences. I will be joining Jumpstart in May (which begins at 1 mile and adds 10% each week, we meet 3 times a week) and this time with the runners group; then in July I will join Team 13 which starts with 3 miles (which will be a snap for me by then) and we will work our way to 13.1 miles for the Half Marathon next October!!!!!! I am so excited!

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