Saturday, September 5, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training - Week Two

Monday I didn't go to the gym, but I did go for a run after dropping my son off at school. It was humid....
Tuesday I got up and went to the gym, decided to change up my strength training and hit multiple muscle groups.
Then I went out to rollerblade, it was still relatively humid.

If that wasn't enough, later that day I decided to take Jetta for an easy 3 miler. It was cloudy and breezy enough, and around 77° so it wasn't too bad. We took plenty of walk breaks to make sure Jetta stayed as cool as possible.
Wednesday I did not want to deal with the humidity, but I knew it needed to be done. Out there, I was very tempted to cut my run in half or so, 5 miles in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. In the end, I got the entire 8 miles done that morning.
Later in the afternoon/evening, I did some decline push-ups, dumbbell curls and diamond pushups.
Thursday I woke up not feeling great and a bit sore, I felt like I didn't get much sleep. I didn't go to the gym, instead I just slept in. After dropping my son off at school, I had a dental appointment and after that I decided to go ahead and get my run in. Originally it was gonna be an easy effort 5 miler but I was feeling good enough and I wanted to get it done. I ended up with a 6 mile progression run.
Friday I didn't get up til 4:30 am, the local weather forecast promised 67° but it was 73° like my weather app said. They did get the humidity right though, it was low which made the temperature pleasant. I took Jetta to the trails, I can't begin to count how many spider webs I ran through but it had to be in the high hundreds. The trails weren't too bad for all the rain earlier in the week, but there were some sections that were either flooded or muddy and slippery. Between miles 1.45 and 1.8 was a section that felt more like bushwhacking instead of running. All in all, it was a nice run..... It was trail therapy, 5.3 miles of therapy.

I got a pretty good amount of sleep last night. I woke to my son stirring restlessly at 3:18 am, 12 minutes before my alarm. I didn't have any coffee or food, but I did have some water. I got my hydration pack ready and myself, I was out the door by 4:05 am. The goal was for 17.7 miles to finish up the week with 45 miles, but somewhere in between miles 10 and 13 I decided to go ahead and run 18 miles. 
It was a gorgeous 57° and very low humidity, it was amazing and slightly chilly at the start. It warmed up just a smidge when the sun rise up over the horizon a couple hours later. 

I finished 18 miles in 3:06:57 with an average pace of 10:23 min/mile.
Giving me 45.3 miles for week 2 of training for the 2021 Land Between the Lakes 50 Miler.

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