Monday, September 7, 2020

2020 Labor Day 10K

 I ran the Labor Day 10k on Monday, it was 75* and the sun was shining with no cloud in sight, the only comfort was 10 mph winds coming from the SouthEast. My extremely overzealous goal was to place within the top 3 overall female, but when pulling up to the race and seeing so many people, I told myself just to focus on a PR and beat my old 10k PR.
I lined up near the front, right behind some of the fast guys who I assumed were doing the 5k. Many kids passed me up and a few guys did, I think there were a few women ahead of me. I tried to hold a good steady pace, although I might have started out too fast, I don't regret it.
Mile 1 - 8:08
Mile 2 - 8:36
Mile 3 - 8:57
By the end of the first loop, the way they had it set up, I could see who all was ahead of me and how many women. I quickly realized that the woman that had been ahead of me most of the first loop was in the lead. As we headed into the 2nd and final loop, I managed to get ahead of her and stay ahead of her. I was tired and the sun was cooking my skull (as it always does), I sure wish I didn't overheat so easily. 
Mile 4 - 8:22
Mile 5 - 8:27
Mile 6 - 9:09
.2 - 8:07
The out and back section which is/was the 2nd and 5th mile was my most difficult, basically you're running through a parking lot and then turning around and running through it again. But it was the final and last mile where I struggled, my skull was cooked and the wind just kept pushing and pushing me back. With only half a mile left, I had to walk just a little... I could feel a side stitch still threatening to derail me, it had been trying to ruin me since mile 3 and I was determined not to let it. I looked back and for a moment didn't see anybody behind me, but the second time I looked and saw her so I got my ass going. I didn't have any kick in me, none whatsoever, my brain couldn't even tell my legs to move faster, it was freaking fried.
With only .3 miles to go I got confused for a moment before remembering to get off the pathway and onto the parking lot, people were already starting to leave so I had to dodge some cars or watch them carefully because obviously they weren't paying attention to me.... 5-10 mph can still hurt if that car runs you over. Just coming into the finish and I had to actually move over more because an SUV cut a little too far over.
Crossing the finish line, I was thrilled and relieved to be done. The other chick was almost a minute behind me, but I was just happy to be done.

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