Monday, September 28, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 5

 This week started out okay but ended with no long run and less mileage than the last 3-5 weeks. I was wanting to hold out until October 1 and then take 3 days off completely from running, but my body was telling me that another long run and a few more days of running would be a bad bad idea. It needed a break, a few easy days right now. So I gave it what it needed during the weekend, from Friday to Sunday only running Saturday night for 6 miles.
Monday I went to the gym focusing on Back

Then I went out and ran 6.4 miles after that.

Tuesday I did not go to the gym, I think I just didn't wake up early enough so I slept in and then took Jetta to the trails for some easy 5 miles.

Wednesday I did get up in time and made it to the gym, I focused on the Delts and pretty much murdered them.

Then I went out and ended up running 10.3 miles at my (in my dreams) goal marathon pace of a sub 10 min average. I've had a pretty difficult time just finishing with sub 11 min paces so hopefully I can get a PR next year.

10.3 miles with an average pace of 9:50 min/mile.

Thursday I had a hard time getting up, and when I did we only had time for a quick 3 miler so I took Jetta down to the river front (in Newburgh).

Then after I dropped Dorian off at school, I took Jetta out to the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Refuge to get in another run. We ended up running 3.1 miles, thankfully there was plenty of clouds to keep the sun at bay.

Friday morning I woke up just before 5 am and went out for some rollerblading, I was feeling okay and managed 10 miles.

By that afternoon I wasn't feeling well, it was most likely the Mexican lunch but I also wasn't feeling 75% mentally. So Saturday morning I did not get up and run, instead I waited until that night and then we ran 6 easy miles.

Sunday was pretty much a rest day, other than 1,000 Bicycle Crunches that evening. All in all, I ended up with 33.8 miles of running and 10 miles of rollerblading.

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