Monday, September 28, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 5

 This week started out okay but ended with no long run and less mileage than the last 3-5 weeks. I was wanting to hold out until October 1 and then take 3 days off completely from running, but my body was telling me that another long run and a few more days of running would be a bad bad idea. It needed a break, a few easy days right now. So I gave it what it needed during the weekend, from Friday to Sunday only running Saturday night for 6 miles.
Monday I went to the gym focusing on Back

Then I went out and ran 6.4 miles after that.

Tuesday I did not go to the gym, I think I just didn't wake up early enough so I slept in and then took Jetta to the trails for some easy 5 miles.

Wednesday I did get up in time and made it to the gym, I focused on the Delts and pretty much murdered them.

Then I went out and ended up running 10.3 miles at my (in my dreams) goal marathon pace of a sub 10 min average. I've had a pretty difficult time just finishing with sub 11 min paces so hopefully I can get a PR next year.

10.3 miles with an average pace of 9:50 min/mile.

Thursday I had a hard time getting up, and when I did we only had time for a quick 3 miler so I took Jetta down to the river front (in Newburgh).

Then after I dropped Dorian off at school, I took Jetta out to the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Refuge to get in another run. We ended up running 3.1 miles, thankfully there was plenty of clouds to keep the sun at bay.

Friday morning I woke up just before 5 am and went out for some rollerblading, I was feeling okay and managed 10 miles.

By that afternoon I wasn't feeling well, it was most likely the Mexican lunch but I also wasn't feeling 75% mentally. So Saturday morning I did not get up and run, instead I waited until that night and then we ran 6 easy miles.

Sunday was pretty much a rest day, other than 1,000 Bicycle Crunches that evening. All in all, I ended up with 33.8 miles of running and 10 miles of rollerblading.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 4

 After taking Sunday off from running, I think my body really appreciated it. Monday I went to the gym focusing on my back and a little bit on my legs/glutes. I definitely went a bit heavy on the glutes and legs, increasing the weights.

Then I went out got in some miles, running 6.2 miles before going back home.

I'm feeling pretty damn good, I'm leaning out and below 140 lbs. In between getting Dorian's lunch and things ready and getting him to school, I took some quick progress pics.

After dropping Dorian off at school, I drove down to John James Aubudon State Park for some mileage on the hills. I ran the trails in reverse from what I normally do, and I'd have to say it was more challenging the the normal way.

Tuesday I didn't hear my alarm go off, so I decided not to go to the gym and tried to get some more sleep until about 4 am. I got up and dressed to go rollerblading, I didn't do any rollerblading last week due to my left knee complaining a bit. I felt pretty good this time.

Then, after dropping Dorian off I took Jetta to Angel Mounds to run the trails. At like 64 degrees, the temperature was just beautiful and Jetta really enjoyed it.
I cannot wait until Autumn really starts showing out along the trails.

Wednesday I headed to the gym and focused on Delts, mostly the rears.

Towards the end of my workout, I decided to go home and grab Jetta and then we headed out to the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Refuge Area. We ended up running 7.2 miles, managing not to get hit by any vehicle.

Thursday I made it to the gym again, focused on the Back with one Chest workout and one exercise on the torso rotation machine.

Then I went home with intentions of grabbing Jetta for a run in 55 degrees but when I got home, my son was wide awake and I knew I couldn't just slip out of there and leave hubby to be kept awake so I stayed home and waited until I dropped Dorian off at school to go for a run. 

Friday I didn't get up until 4:45 am to take Jetta to the trails, the temps were nice, but I wasn't feeling to great. We got it done though.

Saturday morning I woke up around 3 am and got up, I took my time eating and getting ready... I wasn't honestly prepared for the 47 degrees outside. I wore a tank top and shorts and felt good as far as that went but I really wish I had worn gloves, my fingers were freezing. I wasn't sure how far I was going to run, this week has been a bit tough with a lot of aches, especially in my knees. I was hoping for at least 16 miles and shooting for 18.
It was dark for the first 7 miles or so, and really cold for my fingers up until about mile 10 or 11 when the sun finally got up over the trees.
I managed to run 20 miles, and honestly towards the end I felt I could've gone another 1 or 2 miles but I wasn't going to push it. 
I finished week 4 of my training with 52.3 miles, I'm trying not to do any crazy increases. Week 1 had 41 miles, week 2 had 45.3 miles and week 3 had 48 miles so I don't think this was a huge jump although my body is seriously needing a bit of rest. I'll give it that rest come October 1st, I've got 11 days left of September and I plan on resting each Sunday.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 3

 Monday I ran the inaugural Evansville Labor Day 10k, placing 1st Female Overall.... it was 76 degrees and no cloud in sight.... I was fried but it was worth it.

Tuesday I didn't go to the gym, just wasn't feeling like it. After taking my son to school I went to John James Audubon State Park, focusing on the hills and not pace or time. I think I nailed it, 767 ft of elevation gain in 4 miles so not bad.

Wednesday I did go to the gym to work out, I hit the Glutes and legs first then Back and then some Delts. 

Then I decided to run instead of rollerblade, my knees are making a few complaints and mostly when I was rollerblading last week so I decided to run. Ended up running 7.4 miles, it was 66 degrees and some humidity but not too awful.

Thursday morning I slept in until about 4 am and then took Jetta to the trails, fought bugs and spiders and webs.... and really tried to make sure to take it easy and slow.

I told myself I was done and probably wouldn't do anything Friday, but I stupidly joined a women's only challenge on garmin - 150 miles for September.... and apparently garmin notifies you when another member passes you in mileage, so my competitive personality refuses to give up the 1st place spot on there 🙈 
So of course I decided to go for another run that afternoon, but I did choose to hit the trails again.... and take Jetta with me. We ran 5 miles and walked some so she could cool down and not overheat.

Friday I didn't rest, instead.... After Dorian off at school, Jetta and I hit the trails at Angel Mounds for an easy 5 miles.
Saturday morning I woke up at 3 am and got everything ready before heading to Friedman Park. It was 70°, muggy and cloudy... Not terrible but I'm longing for temps in the 45-55 range, so so bad. All but the final 3 miles was in darkness. The sun is rising later and later. 15.3 miles done, giving me 48 miles for the week.