Sunday, January 27, 2019

Base Building Week 2

So this last full week January was a bit rough, no different from the week before but maybe a little less stressful. 
Monday was a rest day, I decided to sleep in and take it easy.
Tuesday I got up and headed to the gym. Then out for an easy run.

Wednesday I wasn't able to get up or something, can't really remember. But I was able to get out of the shop early enough to get a run in before Dorian got out of school. I didn't take Jetta this time.

Thursday I got up and headed to the gym for legs and arms, then went home to cuddle with my little boy since he wasn't feeling good.

I was again able to leave the shop early enough to get home and change my clothes and get a run in, this time I took both dogs and hoped it would be an easy run...  I felt like it was a bit faster than what I wanted.... especially after legs that morning.

Friday I definitely knew I had pushed a tad too much with Thursday's run after legs. I was sore in my legs and arms. I decided to make it a rest day although I had intended on doing some abdominals which didn't happen. Slacking......

Saturday I woke up sore and with a headache from the margarita and a half I had Friday night at Logan's, I will never be doing that again.... maybe it's the tequila but I won't be having any more margaritas the night before I need to get up and run. I asked my mom to watch Dorian that afternoon so I could get a run in, Jetta and I got in a nice easy run around my sister's and brother's neighborhood. Cold weather keeps the creeps inside haha.

I did notice during Saturday's run I was really sore in the hamstrings and glutes, and stretched as much as I could during the run but it worried me. So this morning I woke up and made a very hard decision, I wasn't going to get a long run in for this week. Technically marathon training doesn't have to start until May or even June, so I've got time, but I do want to work up to running 15 mile long runs nearly every weekend from the end of March to when marathon training starts. 
Most likely I am not going to run today, if hubby gets home by 7 I might go for an easy 3-5 miler but if not that is okay. I'm going to be ready for next week.

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