Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019 Is Gonna be My Year

    My last post was in May 2017, and I claimed I was going to get me back. Well that didn't happen, whatever issues I was having just were going away. Life had become hectic and stressful at the shop for my husband which carried over to home and me, our struggles were getting to be too much and we were being stretched thin. My husband was no longer as supportive of my running and fitness as he used to be, becoming more focused on just keeping us and the shop afloat. He felt that top priority needed to be on what made us a living, and that wasn't my running. My constant dealing with pain and inflammation in the tops of my feet and shins and then leading over to my calves had made running more frustrating and I had lost sight of why I fell in love with running. So I had put my focus into the gym and weight lifting while running whenever I could. 
    Last November I was dealt an injury in my left arm, I suppose from overuse and not giving it rest due to work at the shop. So as frustrating as it was, I had to take a break from weight lifting and find something else. In December I began to rediscover my love affair with running and realized how much I truly missed it. Not to mention it really helps whittle my waist and keeps me lean, I had put on quite a bit of muscle during 2018 but there was also some fat there that I need to get rid of.
   So far this month I've been putting in the mileage whenever I can, whether in the morning or right before picking Dorian up from school or in the afternoon if the weather is warm enough to take him in the stroller. Sometimes I am not able to get myself out of bed in the morning, it's hard to..... I'll be honest and say I'm burned out from the last 5 years or so struggling to get my workouts started and finished during the insane and inhuman hours of 2:40 AM and 6 AM. My goal for January is to reach 30 miles a week and then hold that for February before bumping it up to 35 in March and holding for April. With luck and determination I might be able to be back to running 35-40 mpw by Summer. I've got my buddies with me to enjoy this journey of rediscovering myself.

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