Sunday, January 20, 2019

Finishing this Week out (Base Building Week 1)

Old Man Winter showed his freezing face this week, I was determined to reach 30 miles this week but wasn't going to hold my breath. I told myself to take each day as it came and adapt and do whatever I could.
(Note: I'll try to post pics of workouts more than type words when I can unless something needs to be said.)
Monday I hit the gym first for Back and Chest: 

Afterwards, I decided to go ahead and get a good easy run in so I was starting the week off right.

Tuesday I didn't want to get out of bed but did it anyway, and I am glad I did. Jetta and I got out the door and got a good run in that morning, getting it out of the way.

Wednesday saw no runs, unfortunately, but I did get some booty band workouts in through the day while at work and in between running parts on a machine.

Thursday I was able to leave the shop just before 1 PM and was only expecting 4 or 5 miles. I was very happy when Jetta and I finished the run with 7 miles and only 10 minutes until Dorian was out of school.

Friday didn't see anything and the weather forecast had me seriously worried that I wasn't going to get any more runs in. Saturday was rainy and cold, but not too cold so I took Dorian and the dogs out to Lincoln State Park for a little hike, at that point I had 17.7 miles and I just wanted to get to 20 (didn't have to be all from running, just on my feet). We hiked 2.1 miles and had to call it done, the rain picked up and so did the wind and I didn't want Dorian to get sick. Got a cute pic though.

After reading running blogs and being on a running forum last night and seeing others dealing with sub 0 temps, I knew I couldn't chicken out of Sunday's weather. We were up late last night, I did not get up early and go before dawn but after fixing breakfast Jetta and I got out the door. The roads were covered with snow and/or ice, and during the first 2 miles, I really didn't expect us to go more than 6 miles. I just told myself to make it to the next mile, by mile 3 we reach a backroad and the snow was packed pretty nicely. It wasn't too bad until mile 7 we reach soft, slushy snow than by mile 7.4 it was slick ice so that was just fun. From that point on it was either slush or ice but we got it done and I am excited to say I reached 30.1 miles for the week. 

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