Friday, January 25, 2019

Registered for the Indy Monumental, Reserved hotel.. now the waiting

    November 2014 was my very first marathon, I had hoped for a finish time of 4:20:00 - 4:30:00 but due to fueling errors I got sick at mile 14 and it lasted until mile 23 which caused me to do a lot of walking. I felt kind of felt cheated out of the "first marathon" experience, I didn't hit the wall or cry at the finish line. I was frustrated but happy to finish, but this race had been on my mind a lot since then. 

   This week it crossed my mind again, and it didn't take long for me to consider it. Yesterday I registered for 2019's marathon. I was a little hesitant, not sure how this year is going to go and with my husband in the process of selling our current shop building and then the building of the new shop out on our home property this winter and spring, things are just going to be hectic and chaotic. I wasn't sure when I'd be able to break the news to him, I guess I wanted to wait until he is in a better mood and things are looking up for us. Wednesday night I mentioned to him about making the 3 of us spending a few days in Indianapolis this November if things aren't chaotic or too stressful. He said maybe, but of course asked what's up there and I mentioned my maybe doing the marathon, he didn't say no. This morning I told him I had registered for the marathon, he seemed cheerful and even mentioned me needing to train. So just before lunch I reserved a hotel room for us, from Friday November 8 to Monday November 11. Lunch was really good and he was very satisfied, so once we got back to the shop I told him I had reserved a hotel and he seemed alright with that. So far, so good. 
     Now comes the difficult part, the training. The actual marathon training doesn't really have to start until April or even May, but my goal is to finish January with 30 miles a week and go into February with 30 miles a week. Then to finish February with 35 miles a week going into March running 35 miles a week. I hope to start the official training on April 1, and ending the very first training week at 39 miles and go from there. That means no excuses and getting a run in whenever I can, and making sure I get my long runs in.
    My only goal other than to finish this race is to do better than my finish time in 2014 which was 4:48:10. My only real goal now is to finish under 4:30:00, unfortunately I never found out what made me sick so I really don't know if I can avoid it this time around. 
Anyways, that is over 8 months away and all I've got to worry about now is putting in the mileage and earning that finish line.

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