Monday, February 29, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 13 - Part Two & Week 14 - Part One

2016 Land Between the Lakes Marathon Training Week 13 – Part Two

So taper officially starts this coming weekend, but I already feel like taking it extremely easy and being lazy. This week has been tough on me, the weather has just been awful and my motivation to get up early in the morning has been nearly zero – and then tanks below zero the moment I see that the winds are 15+ mph.
Edited for Week 13 – Part Two & Week 14 – Part One
Fast forward to Monday, the starting of Week 14….. which means next Thursday we will be leaving for Grand Rivers Kentucky. Last week was just hell, as I stated in my first paragraph – the weather wasn’t kind for the first half of the week and then when that began to calm down, Dorian got sick on Thursday evening. He had the stomach bug (it lasted, and lasted) and was puking, he didn’t want to eat or drink. I wasn’t able to get a run in Friday, and for a moment I thought he was feeling better Friday night but he was puking again Saturday morning so I wasn’t able to go to the Bound the Mounds half marathon that morning (I later find out just how muddy it was). I was able to get my mom to come out and watch Dorian later in the afternoon, and even though I started out stiff and achy… I managed to run 14.2 miles Saturday evening. I wore shorts and tee, and decided to carry my 18 oz bottle of water with one scoop of Strawberry Heed and one scoop of Lemon-Lime Heed, the two flavors go together really well. I also had one Chocolate Rage Gu as well, and I did eat it at mile 6.
The temperature was 57 degrees with 11 mph SSW winds, it was sunny but the sun was going down quick. I ran the 14.2 miles in 2:18:51 with an average pace of 9:47 min/mile, an elevation gain of 330 feet and a loss of 329 feet.
Mile 1 – 10:05
Mile 2 – 9:50
Mile 3 – 9:48
Mile 4 – 9:51
Mile 5 – 9:29
Mile 6 – 9:59
Mile 7 – 9:50
Mile 8 – 9:50
Mile 9 – 9:51
Mile 10 – 9:53
Mile 11 – 9:41
Mile 12 – 9:40
Mile 13 – 9:42
Mile 14 – 9:30
14.2      - 9:24

          I was really hoping for another 10 miler on Sunday, to get up above 40 miles for the week………. Except that Saturday night/Sunday morning I was suddenly hit with that damn stomach bug…. I just couldn’t get my stomach to agree to a run all Sunday. I really want to reach 180 miles for February, so instead of resting on Monday – I am getting a couple of runs in J J J J
          I took the dogs out this morning on the trails, and sure enough it was freaking muddy. We ran a slow 6.5 miles in 1:10:00 with a slow pace of 10:46 min/mile, the dogs and I were all muddy at the end of that run. Temperature was 39 degrees, not real bad but I can honestly say I am looking forward to warmer mornings.
Mile 1 – 11:18
Mile 2 – 11:02
Mile 3 – 10:43
Mile 4 – 11:09
Mile 5 – 10:11
Mile 6 – 10:08
Mile 6.5 – 10:58

   Today is going to be sunny and nice, so hopefully I can get out for another 3 miles with Dorian and finish February with 180.7 or so miles. I currently  have 177.7 miles, it would be nice to get a little more for this crappy 29 day month.

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