Saturday, February 13, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 11 - Part Two

  This week has been tough, Winter is trying to hang on hard and some sort of arctic blast is coming through. Last Tuesday and Wednesday was really tough and cold.
   Thursday I wasn't able to run, I woke up at 4:05 and hesitated but then Dorian woke up as well. And Cameron didn't get home in time so I took that day as rest day 2 for this week. Friday wasn't too bad weather wise, it was 28 degrees and pretty much no wind but I think there was snow..... I had originally planned 8-9 miles so that I could shorten Saturday's run, I ended up running 10 miles instead.
  I ran 10 mile in 1:38:34 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile, elevation gain of 205 feet and a loss of 213 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:06
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:53
Mile 4 - 9:54
Mile 5 - 9:46
Mile 6 - 9:45
Mile 7 - 9:45
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:41
Mile 10 - 9:46

  So I've gotten in two double digit  runs into this week, hopefully it won't affect Sunday' long run which I will get to my concern about it here shortly.
  This morning it was 16 degrees, but with a feels like 4 with 9 mph N winds. I decided to go ahead to the gym first and work my back for about an hour, then I changed at the gym - I seriously hate putting on so many layers, it takes forever and it is really annoying.
  I headed out for 7 miles, it was tough at first with the cold but I managed to belt them out. I ran the 7 miles in 1:04:49 with an average pace of 9:15 min/mile, which actually felt pretty easy and didn't feel tough at all.
Mile 1 - 9:43
Mile 2 - 9:26
Mile 3 - 9:15
Mile 4 - 9:06
Mile 5 - 9:08
Mile 6 - 9:09
Mile 7 - 9:01

  With that I have managed to get in 35 miles this week, I need/WANT that 20 miles tomorrow but I am worried about the weather. It's one thing to get in 7-10 miles in these kinds of temps but to be out there for 2.5-3 hours and exposing my body to that would be stupid and dangerous. The forecast is showing temps to be around 20-21 degrees at 5 AM with a feels like 12 degrees, winds around 7-8 mph which might really make it tough. After this morning's run I seriously figured I wouldn't even make it close to 15 miles but after a bit of thinking..... I might have an idea.
  There's a 3-3.4 mile loop around my house, as much as I hate it, it might be a good idea to run this loop the whole time. If I do start having any problems, I will only be 20-25 minutes from home instead of an hour to an hour an a half.
We'll see how it goes.

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