Thursday, February 4, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 10 - Part One

  This week started off really good, but I could tell it probably wouldn't end that way by Wednesday. Dorian was getting a cold, it started with a cough last week and then around Monday or Tuesday started the sniffles. I thought he was getting better by Wednesday morning, but I was wrong and by Wednesday evening he was miserable and by Thursday morning he was extremely miserable. Exhausted from not being able to get a good night's sleep since Monday and barely getting a good nap during the afternoon, he was extremely exhausted and just miserable. I could tell he was trying to be himself, happy and energetic but it was weighing on him terribly, and really starting to show. I brought him home this afternoon, he was able to fall asleep until he was on the couch and he only got about an hour or two but they were short moments of peace in between constantly coughing and sniffling. When he finally woke up, he looked even more miserable and I decided it was time to take him to the clinic. Sure enough, he has an infection in both ears and his tonsils are badly swollen, and his throat is inflamed and irritated. 
  But now that we've got the proper antibiotics, hopefully he'll be able to get some peaceful sleep tonight and tomorrow. 
  I ran 6.4 miles Tuesday and 10.5 miles Wednesday, I chose not to get up this morning because Dorian was so unhappy and I decided not to go for a run tonight. His health and well being is much more important than my running, he is finally sleeping peacefully right now... with a few little awakenings but not as much as before he was given his medicine. I hope he'll sleep through the night, but I most likely won't go for a run in the morning unless he doesn't cough at all and sleep straight through, but I will be keeping him home tomorrow and letting him rest all day.
  I was hoping for a 20 mile long run Sunday, but I am not worried about it. I honestly felt quite confident after my 19 miler this last Sunday that I will be able to run the LBL marathon. But, hopefully I can get in a good week for week 11 with a 20 miler. I just want my little guy to feel better.

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