Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Week 11 - Part One

  So last week was a tough week after an extremely great week, but Dorian was extremely miserable and sick so I ended up running Tuesday and Wednesday before deciding I wouldn't run until he was feeling better, Thursday night I realized I needed to take him to the clinic - he was miserable, more miserable than he's ever been when sick. He was exhausted, I hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since that last weekend and wasn't able to nap either. Turns out he had an infection in both ears and his throat was extremely sore and swollen, it was so red but thankfully he tested negative for strep. They prescribed some antibiotics that I had to pick up and by Friday night he was feeling noticeably better. Saturday he was just about back to his old self, except for the minor cough now - he fights like hell when I am trying to make him take his medicine.... 
  I decided to go for a run Sunday, having not run for 3 days was about to drive me crazy.  Strangely it was really warm that morning, I decided to at least make it 13.1 miles to get me over 30 miles for the week..... this run was going to be tough though, it was 57 degrees so I chose to wear shorts and a tee, but I had no idea the wind would be so brutal - 21 mph SW winds......
  I ended up running 14.1 miles in 2:12:54 with an average pace of 9:25 min/mile, an elevation gain of 351 feet and a loss of 359 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:36
Mile 2 - 9:25
Mile 3 - 9:27
Mile 4 - 9:21
Mile 5 - 9:12
Mile 6 - 9:28
Mile 7 - 9:12
Mile 8 - 9:19 
Mile 9 - 9:20
Mile 10 - 9:38
Mile 11 - 9:31
Mile 12 - 9:19
Mile 13 - 9:44
Mile 14 - 9:21
Mile 14.1 - 9:50

   That finished out week 10 with 31 miles, not a great week after an awesome week of 56.4 miles but after that 19 mile long run I feel extremely confident that I'll be able to handle the LBL marathon, especially if I hike the hills and just enjoy it. BUT I really, really, REALLY want to have a 20 miler under my belt - during my first marathon training cycle back in 2014 I was able to get in two 20 miles.... so far that distance has remained elusive to me since.

 So for Week Eleven, things have started off well enough... although extremely cold compared to Sunday's run. I'll be so happy when winter is over and warm weather comes back for a longer than a few days.
  Monday I rested, and Tuesday morning I was up at 4:05 and dressed accordingly to the what I hoped was warm enough but not to warm. It was 23 degrees with a feels like 13 and 9 mph W winds. Yeah it sucked a bit, and it was snowing, thankfully most of my run was with my back to the West until the final half mile. I ran 8 miles in 1:20:32 with an average pace of 10:04, my legs were tired and slow and cold - for some strange reason the 14.1 mil run was tougher on me than the 19 mile run.... of course I didn't bother to take any fuel or fluid during that run either....
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 10:09
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:56
Mile 7 - 10:04
Mile 8 - 9:58

   I was honestly glad to be done with it, I had planned to run a quick 6 but ended up with 8 so nothing to complain about.

   Tuesday morning I woke up at 4:05 AM, and already realized it was going to be a tough run and figured I'd probably end up with 6-7 miles as I didn't want to be out too long in this weather. 
  It was 18 degrees out with a feels like 6 degrees, 10 mph NW winds.... I chose to wear my face/mouth mask, two head bands, and my warmest tights, two layers of long sleeves - a thermal under shirt and a long sleeves made for 30- temperature, can't remember what brand though.
  It sucked, especially around the final 2-3 miles and the final mile was against the wind. It was blistering, I seriously expected to end up with frost bite on my face and legs (luckily I didn't). My fingers were freezing cold, it was unbearable and I just wanted to be done. I ended up running 10 miles in 1:40:12 with an average pace of 10:01, probably the slowest I've ran 10 miles in a while... my legs were freezing cold and didn't move very much at all.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:23
Mile 2 - 10:23
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 10:09
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:51
Mile 7 - 9:45
Mile 8 - 9:57
Mile 9 - 10:00
Mile 10 - 9:43

   Hopefully, just hopefully the rest of this week will go well and maybe I can even get that taunting 20 mile run in this Sunday.

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