Friday, March 4, 2016

Taper Madness, Grumpiness, Thoughts..... Yadayadayada

  Okay so it really isn't any different from any other blog except less running, and I am going crazy. This back and forth weather is just killing my husband and Dorian, colds and running noses, it's just tough as hell for them. I hope this crap levels out so everybody can relax next weekend.
  It's Wednesday, and today is almost over so that means tomorrow marks only one more week before we head to Grand Rivers, one more week to get a few runs and rest in and worry about the weather and the trails.... yep I am a little worried. I mean granted, it isn't nearly as bad as last year since last year they had to run the whole race on roads due to the 2 feet of snow underneath ice on the trails. It was bad, the last 2 years have been bad for LBL but last year was the worst.... I think LBL has been going on since 2004 and the years that had the most ideal conditions were - 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 before tough weather. 
  It doesn't seem like we'll be dealing with snow (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood) but it might be muddy. I am just hoping and praying that the rainy weather suddenly just goes away by next Wednesday and give the trails a chance to start drying. Even if it doesn't, it won't scare me away and I don't expect a PR on this course but I would like to have a lot of fun and enjoy the trails.
  I've ran 17.9 miles this week, 6.5 Monday morning with the dogs on the trails and then 3.4 miles that afternoon with Dorian in the stroller and the two dogs on the leashes. I was actually pleasantly surprised at just how well Jetta did on her first time running on leash with Rocky and next to a stroller, she did really well.... much better than when walking. Tuesday didn't happen, Dorian had some night terrors and leg growing pains.... and then it just rained and rained all day Tuesday before stopping in the evening and then the temperature began to drop down. So we've got cold weather today and through Friday, but then it starts climbing again... and hopefully for the last time and for good. 
Looking at Grand Rivers' forecast, next week is showing rain on but not a lot of rain at all on my 14wfie, if at all. I know is better at predicting but doesn't really go beyond a week on the forecast.... stupid thing.
 I'm trying not to fret over it, I've got other things to worry about right now. Business is slow, or at least production is slow... I am really not sure which one to say right now and I am really worrying. I want to think about the Mark Twain Endurance 50, but I am too afraid it won't happen if business doesn't pick up soon. 
I've added one work out to my plan though, once a week I am going to do stair bounds on our two flights of stairs at work (28 steps total). After next weekend and my one full week's rest from running, I plan to add a workout of 5-10 minutes of stair bounds on Wednesday, then after the Harmonie Trail Marathon at the end of May, I am going to do my best to increase it to 20 minutes every Wednesday - this is also while having ran 10 miles that morning.
  Anyways, it is now Friday... I think I started this bloop on Tuesday and just can't seem to finish it. I didn't run on Thursday but this morning I took Jetta out on the roads with me, it wasn't too awful but there were a couple times she annoyed me. We ran 8 miles which gives us 25.9 miles so far this week, I figure a 40 mile week is a good easy week... right? Next week will be even less, I'll run Tuesday and Thursday morning - probably 5 milers on both days. My sister wants to go for a 2 mile easy run on Monday afternoon, so I will probably do that with her.
 Tomorrow I'll either run a 10 miler or split it in two, run 5-6 miles in the morning and then 4 later in the day with Dorian and the dogs. Sunday I'll probably do another 10 miler or something. 

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