Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016 Harmonie Trail Marathon Training Week 1 - Part One

  So begins week one of training for the Harmonie Trail Marathon, this is part one of that week. The last two weeks have been tough, literally 2 days after the LBL marathon I was chomping at the bit to get back to running, but I needed to give my body at least a few days' rest. I did end up running Tuesday and... maybe Thursday then rested a few days. Last week I was going to put in a few more miles, it started off well enough.... though Monday I started back up on some leg strengthening and during Tuesday morning's run on the trails with the dogs, I kind of realized my legs were still recovering. ... Weather was bad on Wednesday, but that evening I did 3 sets of 30 Kettlebell swings....... BAD... BAD... BAD choice. Thursday morning I took Jetta for what ended up being an excruciatingly slow and sore 7 miles, my hamstrings and glutes were hurting... tight and painful. I knew immediately that I had made an awful decision, Kettlebell Swings involves a slight squat kind of position... I should have remembered that squats are no longer my friend.
 Friday afternoon I went to see my massage therapist, a 2 hour massage focused on my legs. I didn't run Friday, Saturday or Sunday but decided to rest instead. I think the massage and the three days of rest did my legs some good, the top of my left hamstring still feels a bit tight but not bad.
 Monday afternoon I took Dorian and the dogs for a 3.2 mile run, it was 57 degrees, sunny and 8 mph NNW winds. I was still feeling a bit slower than my normal easy pace.
Tuesday morning I took Jetta out for an easy 5 mile run, still felt slow and sluggish. It was 43 degrees, we ran the 5 miles in 50:39 with an average pace of 10:08 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 10:14
Mile 3 - 10:08
Mile 4 - 10:06
Mile 5 - 9:48

  I felt pretty good afterwards and throughout the day, so that afternoon I took Dorian and the dogs for an easy 2 miler that turned into a 3 miler. I felt real good during this run, though Rocky was lagging behind, but not bad. It was 61 degrees and 7 mph ESE winds. We ran 3 miles in 29:34 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile.

  This morning I kept trying to talk myself into staying in bed when my alarm went off at 4:05 AM, I tried to make excuses but reminded myself that Thursday is predicted to have extremely awful weather and would give me no chance to run. I need at least one rest day this week but it wasn't going to be today.
  Jetta and I headed at the door at 5 AM, it wasn't quite as chilly as Tuesday morning but it was 45 degrees so I chose to wear capris.  I was tempted to run just 4 or 5 and get in another 2-3 this afternoon but towards the middle I decided to go ahead and run 8 miles. Jetta does beautifully with these runs, and I am sure we won't do too bad during warmer weather since she isn't very thick furred.
  We ran 8 miles in 1:21:17, still a bit slower than my average easy pace but I feel myself getting back  in gear.
Mile 1 - 10:45
Mile 2 - 10:13
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 10:15
Mile 5 - 10:15
Mile 6 - 10:00
Mile 7 - 10:09
Mile 8 - 9:38

    That last split is where I want to get back to, but I am just happy to start getting my mileage back up.

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