Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ten Miles to Close out Week Two

  Well that sucked.... a lot. The temperature was 61 degrees so I wore shorts and a tank top, the first 3 miles went pretty good but after that things just felt blah. By mile 5, Rocky and I stopped at the Tahoe and I dropped off my headlamp and my tank top. I was sweating, I would like to say 61 degrees felt amazing and it did, but my body had just about acclimated to the 10-35 degree weather over the last 2-3 weeks... so I was getting my ass kicked. 
  I had gone to the bathroom before leaving the house, but ended up going 3 times while out on the trails (it was very aggravating). This was also probably my very slowest 10 miles in a long freaking time, and I was constantly stopping. It was just a very tough run, inside and out.... the trails were muddy and sloggy but beautiful, the weather was amazing but today was just an off day.
  Rocky and I suffered through 10 miles in 1:49:08 with an average pace of 10:54 min/mile.... blah
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:31
Mile 2 - 10:54
Mile 3 - 10:41
Mile 4 - 11:08
Mile 5 - 10:43
Mile 6 - 10:57
Mile 7 - 11:02
Mile 8 - 11:29
Mile 9 - 10:32
Mile 10 - 10:09

    This is proving to be a challenge, much more challenging that my first marathon training cycle... I seem to be stuck in some sort of funk and I can get myself out of it. I'm just going to keep chugging along, maybe I'll chug my way out of this funk.

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