Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and this Morning

 I am slowly getting back into my groove, though my adorable little boy can make things tough to get out of bed in the morning. I honestly can't wait until he is at the age where he is sleeping in his own bed, or I don't have to worry if he wakes up while I am out for a run. And then, I really can't wait until he is at the age where he can go on runs with me, my shorter runs that is, maybe even extra runs in the afternoon just for him.
 Until those days, I am at the mercy of the 3 foot beastie if he wakes up between 2 AM and 5 AM.
 Sunday, I went out for a 3 miler with Rocky on the trails. I was hoping that it would start snowing but nope, no snow at that point. I was definitely a tad jello-leg like after Saturday's race, but it went well even with my Garmin 220 screwing up on distance  (I updated it later that day and since then it has been back to working properly). Rocky and I ran 3.2 miles in 33:56, it was 34 degrees and no wind.
  Sunday night started snowing, and it looked a bit like a winter wonderland by Monday morning... sadly Monday is my rest day :(
  Tuesday - Holy freaking polar vortex, woke up this morning to 12 degrees....  wow, I layered up the best I could, couldn't find my ski mask so my face numbed up. Rocky and I did 5 miles in 55:03 with an average pace of 11 min/mile, things were actually going really good up to mile 1 until mile 2 I found that a lot of smaller trees close to the trail were weighed down by snow and ice.... yeah that slowed me down and took some maneuvering.
The Laps looked like this:
Mile 1 - 10:47 (great first mile pace for roots and trails)
Mile 2 - 11:38 (Damn you low hanging trees!!!)
Mile 3 - 11:04 (somewhat better)
Mile 4 - 10:52
Mile 5 - 10:38 (so much better)
  Overall it was a great run,the snow wasn't very deep on the trails - maybe 2 inches and a bit frozen.
  Wednesday - My son woke up at 3:30 and stayed just awake enough to keep me there until 4:50 which I was screwed at that point. I wanted to get a 7-8 miler in but that wasn't going to happen, and my mom couldn't watch him for too long later that evening so I had to put in the 4.1 I had planned for Thursday. Rocky and I hit the greenway for that, the only mistake I made was having a grape soda just before our run... my stomach is in knots during the run. BUT, I noticed how easy it was to keep a relatively quick pace, paces that used to be considered my fast/est pace. It's sometimes nice to get off the trails and hit the road to see what kind of condition you are in. Rocky and I ran 4.1 miles in 37:52 with an average pace of 9:14 min/mile.
Mile 1 - 9:37
Mile 2 - 9:31
Mile 3 - 8:54
Mile 4 - 8:58
.1       - 8:49
Overall, other than stomach pains due to a stupid soft drink, the run was great.
 This morning (Thursday) - I woke to my alarm at 3:15 AM, little man was still asleep but I needed sleep dang it so I waited until it got closer to 4 and then he started stirring so I got up and laid down on the couch until my 4 AM alarm went off. Yesterday's high was 45 so 90% of the snow had melted, but luckily last night's freezing temps froze the ground and any puddles so it wasn't muddy. It was 23 degrees, not bad.
  I was so freaking tired, I really wanted back in bed but I wanted to get 7 miles in dang it. Rocky and I ended up with 7.3 miles in 1:18:37 with an average pace of 10:46 min/mile. Not bad for being tired.
  Laps/split were:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 11:01
Mile 3 - 10:32
Mile 4 - 11:09
Mile 5 - 10:30
Mile 6 - 10:41
Mile 7 - 10:56
.3       - 10:05

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