Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Training Has Begun

It's official, my training cycle for the LBL marathon has begun as of this week.. which I've finished up :D
 Friday I hit John James Audubon State Park's trails, looking for a butt whoopin' on the hilly trails.... and boy did I get what I came for. Sadly my garmin says the elevation gain was only 690 feet with a loss of 709 feet... last time I ran these trails it said around 900 feet, I really liked thinking it was closer to 900 feet. 
  The sun was already low at this point, but I just wanted 5 miles on these trails. Mileage didn't seem off, so that was good. That last 2 miles were really dark, luckily my eyes were adjusting until the last mile but a lot of that was on road so I wasn't too worried. This was probably the SLOWEST 5 miles I have ever ran before, I had to slow down on downhills due to slick ice and hike some uphills, strangely I was already winded. I ran 5 miles in 1:02:41 with an average pace of 12:31 min/mile. Dude, it was 43 degrees and I was sweating!
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:33
Mile 2 - 12:54
Mile 3 - 14:19
Mile 4 - 12:39
Mile 5 - 11:14
   I am just glad I managed 5 miles on those trails, not sure how often I'll be able to do this as it's hard to find someone to babysit before dark. I'd like to do it at least once a week but who knows, winter is more difficult due to lack of daylight.
  Saturday was supposed to be a rest day but I apparently forgot, and didn't realize that until I got home and went to log the run... Whoops, Rocky and I ran 3 miles in 33:49 with an average pace of 11:15 min/mile.... and my quads started hurting by the evening. I was feeling Friday's run on the trails dang it, and boy were my legs sore last night.
  Dorian was having either growing pains in his legs or restless leg syndrome and had me up a lot of the night, so by 4:30 AM I really wanted to sleep and didn't want to get up and run. The plan was 9 miles but my quads were still sore as hell and I was exhausted, Rocky and I ran the roads this time because I knew the trails would be muddy and I didn't feel like driving all the way to the trails.
  It was tough, and exhausting but I managed 7.5 miles at least... Rocky and I did. We ran 7.5 miles in 1:16:43 with an average pace 10:14 min/mile, and elevation gain of 155 feet with a loss of 156 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:57
Mile 2 - 10:42
Mile 3 - 10:18
Mile 4 - 9:55
Mile 5 - 9:57
Mile 6 - 10:09
Mile 7 - 9:55
.5      - 9:45

   Still freaking sore, and I am pretty relieved that tomorrow is a rest day. Did I mention that it was warm enough for shorts? Oh yeah, and I was sweating.

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