Saturday, March 26, 2011

Body Language

     I learned the hard way to listen to what my body is telling me, last year it took a serious IT band injury to remind me that I am not invincible and that my body is always talking to me. I had a race today at 10 a.m. but when I woke up at 7:45,  I just had this gut feeling that if I ran this race I would regret it. The cramping tightness in my arch has not gone away, and last night I started to feel pain on the outside of my left knee, I asked my mom, my sister and hubs what I should do, but even though they said the same thing that I was thinking, I had already decided not to run the race. That choice hurts, and angers me, but I know 99% that it was probably the right decision I hate feeling like I have given up on something, but last Saturday I ran the Johnnie Sue's Lace Up Against Cancer 5k, and the Saturday before that I ran the St. Patrick's Day Run of Luck 7k, and did pretty well on both of them. I now have a month until my next race in April, and then at least 3 races in May but 2 for damn sure. I am going to take it easy this weekend, do some strength training and stretches and then get back out there  on Tuesday, my brother wants to start working out again...... so I have got figure up a schedule for all this now.

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