Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting over the Hump

     I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get past 3 miles a run, if it isn't my IT band, it is my knees, if it isn't them then it is my foot. I just can't seem to push past this 3 mile barrier, not even with 3 miles being my long run once a week. I went for a 2.36 mile run on April 7th, but must've forgot to log it, my knees were hurting afterwards but my foot wasn't really. Yesterday evening I went for a 1.20 mile run at Howell Wetlands, partially boardwalk and trail for 13:05 minutes so I am putting it around 1.20 miles though I can't really map it. I didn't feel pain really, but it was very humid and I was sweating bad. I am determined to get past this stupid barrier so I am just going to keep running, May is coming very soon and Jumpstart will begin and hopefully with their much better scheduling and 10% increase, I can get past 3 miles.

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