Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Week 6 - Taking it Easy....

     So the weird soreness or ache in my quads just aren't going away, particularly in my right quad. Taking advice from other runners, I've taken the last 3 days off from running. 
Monday I had a massage appointment that I desperately needed, and of course it was painful and she pretty much spent the entire 90 minute session on my legs. 
Tuesday I got up and went to the gym for Back Day. 

Later that afternoon, before I had to pick Dorian up from school I got out of the shop early enough and picked Jetta up from the house. We got in an easy 4.3 miles that felt very sore still.

Wednesday I took off, I think I did some decline push-ups but I honestly can't remember. 
Thursday I can't remember why I wasn't able to get up that morning, something or another but I do remember waking up sore as fuck in my quads again. I was able to leave the shop early enough to go and pick Jetta up and get in a quick but easy run before Dorian got out of school. And yes, my quads were still sore and aching.

At this point I decided that a few days off from running would be good for me, at least better safe than sorry. 
Friday I didn't get up, I wanted to but I think Dorian had a rough night so I decided it was best not to. Later that day I did do some decline push-ups, 5 sets of 20 on my stability ball. I also remember doing the plank 2 or 3 times that week, 2 minutes and 3 minutes.
Saturday I got my ass up and headed to the gym, got in a good shoulder workout that had my left elbow sore but not hurting.

Then I decided to hit the sauna for 10 minutes, didn't have an extra pair of clothes dang it but oh well. I need to get back to using the sauna after my workouts, it will help prepare me for summer running and especially the Honest Abe Trail Marathon that is in September as chances are it will be either hot or muggy or both.

Later that morning I decided the weather was nice enough and it hadn't started storming yet so I took my three animals out to Lincoln State park for an easy hike, ended up only being 2.75 miles. I almost decided on us doing another loop around the lake but I'm glad we didn't.... about 5-10 minutes after we left the park and were headed home, the thunder and lightning started and so did the hard rain. Anyways, got some nice pics of my little crazy circus. This was just as we were starting, he is so adorable. I absolutely love this little guy, he'll be 7 in April and I am so excited to see what his future holds. He's my little trail buddy, and hopefully he'll love joining me on the trails even when he reaches his teens.

I love watching Dorian run, he's such a natural and just really enjoys it. He's not competitive or in it for time or anything like that, he just runs when it seems right to do so.

 Getting this 3 to look at me at the same time is so difficult, but sometimes I get a really good pic of them all.

It's crazy to think that Rocky will be 10 years old this October, where has one decade gone because it sure doesn't feel like a decade. Jetta is now 4 years old, no signs of maturing yet but hopefully she will grow into a great, noble friend.
That's pretty much how last week went, I've purchased some CBD oil from Aethics and I got it in Monday (week 7). I also purchased some Probiotic Plus from Gu Energy and Magnesium Plus so I can keep up on my vitamins that I am sure I am lacking in. Bought some CBD topical muscle rubs and stuff from Runners High Herbals, that was February 20th so a week ago and I still have received tracking info though they responded to an email and said it should hopefully ship Monday (Week 7).... 

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