Monday, February 11, 2019

Some Dreams Don't Die - Ultras

   A couple weeks ago I had blogged about my desire to attempt the 2020 Land Between the Lakes 60K, but the last few days a dream I had to bury back in 2016 started to resurface. Back in 2016 when my running was going great and I had just finished two trail marathons that Spring, I started training for a 50 mile trail race that was in Missouri I believe. Things were going really good until later in the year when things at the shop became more stressful, our old CPA was pretty much allowing us to drown in IRS debt that we didn't owe, and things had just become a bit more than my husband could handle all while dealing with our son while I was out on my morning long runs. He finally said enough and told me it couldn't happen, sadly I had to forget that dream and then 2017-2018 I was dealing with leg issues and had turned my focus on to weight lifting. 
   And of course last November I injured my left arm and had to turn my focus back to running, and rediscover my love of running and the feeling and freedom it gives me. Now, a dream I thought had died was apparently just asleep. 
   If this year continues to go smoothly enough and I constantly find ways to get a run in without it effecting my husband, I'm going to start base building and training with the intent to complete the 2020 Land Between the Lakes 50 Miler.
   Yep, that is my intentions..... I want to complete at least one 50 miler in my life just for the experience and to have others call me crazy. I've no idea if I'll be able to train and get the 25-30 mile long runs in, I only really need two of those and could do one in January 2020 on the Honest Abe Trail Marathon course and the 2nd on the same course in February. I'm going to use September's Honest Abe Trail Marathon as a long run, and the Indy Monumental Marathon as a long run in preparation. I've only ran one road marathon and that was my first one, the IMM back in 2014 and recovery was tough, road marathons are so much tougher than the trail marathons. In 2016 I completed the Land Between the Lakes marathon that March then 2 months later I completed the Harmonie Trail Marathon. 
  I'm putting this out in public in hopes it will keep me from losing sight of this crazy dream... 

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