Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Base Building Week 5 - Aches and Pains and Paranoia

   Let me just start with saying week 4 was perfect, I had nearly reached 35 miles for the week and got in a 13.1 mile long run. Unfortunately the following week didn't go too well, my legs were tight and sore and my sciatic nerve was bothering me something awful. I got in 24.7 miles of running and 8.9 miles of hiking just to get over 30 miles for the week. 
Monday was a rest day, after that 13.1 mile long run that had a lot of struggle at the end, I needed a rest day.
Tuesday I got up late and headed to the gym for Back day and then headed out from the gym for a run that ended up being 5.3 miles.

Wednesday I got up and headed out for a run, it was really cold and I was still feeling achy and sore so I figured on just getting in 6 miles or so. Jetta and I ended up running 9.1 miles for that morning, it was a struggle and I was sore.

Thursday I wasn't able to make it to the gym but I had decided I was going to get a workout in one way or another. At the shop I got in a quick booty workout with my booty bands.

Then after picking Dorian up from school I decided it was nice enough out (in the high 30's) to go out for a hike, we went up to Lincoln State Park with the dogs and did some of the Honest Abe Trail marathon course. It hurt like a motherfucker, I was sore and my quads really hated me.

Later that evening I got in a workout on the shoulders and some arms, it was a good workout even though the weights were light.

Friday I didn't do anything, I woke up sore as hell from the hike and took it easy that day. Saturday there was also no running or working out but it was nice enough out that I took Dorian and the dogs back up to Lincoln State Park to go for another on other trails and part of the other Honest Abe Trail marathon course. 

I was still pretty sore but not nearly as bad. Saturday night was a late one and we didn't go to bed until about 11, I got up Sunday around 7 or 8 and fixed my husband breakfast then Jetta and I headed out the door for some sort of run. The first mile had me in fear and panic and disheartened, the tingling tightness that I dealt with last year came back at the tops of my feet and spread to my shins making it difficult and stiff. After mile 1 I stopped and readjusted where I was tying my laces to the outside of my feet and it seemed to help. But overall the run was full of aches and soreness and I was constantly stopping to stretch, I had massage appointment the next morning and was looking forward to it. By mile 5 I decided we'd go ahead and get in 10 miles, why not you know? We ended the run at mile 10.3 so overall I got 24.7 running miles and 8.9 hiking miles which gave me a total of 33.6 miles for the week. 

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