Monday, February 29, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 13 - Part Two & Week 14 - Part One

2016 Land Between the Lakes Marathon Training Week 13 – Part Two

So taper officially starts this coming weekend, but I already feel like taking it extremely easy and being lazy. This week has been tough on me, the weather has just been awful and my motivation to get up early in the morning has been nearly zero – and then tanks below zero the moment I see that the winds are 15+ mph.
Edited for Week 13 – Part Two & Week 14 – Part One
Fast forward to Monday, the starting of Week 14….. which means next Thursday we will be leaving for Grand Rivers Kentucky. Last week was just hell, as I stated in my first paragraph – the weather wasn’t kind for the first half of the week and then when that began to calm down, Dorian got sick on Thursday evening. He had the stomach bug (it lasted, and lasted) and was puking, he didn’t want to eat or drink. I wasn’t able to get a run in Friday, and for a moment I thought he was feeling better Friday night but he was puking again Saturday morning so I wasn’t able to go to the Bound the Mounds half marathon that morning (I later find out just how muddy it was). I was able to get my mom to come out and watch Dorian later in the afternoon, and even though I started out stiff and achy… I managed to run 14.2 miles Saturday evening. I wore shorts and tee, and decided to carry my 18 oz bottle of water with one scoop of Strawberry Heed and one scoop of Lemon-Lime Heed, the two flavors go together really well. I also had one Chocolate Rage Gu as well, and I did eat it at mile 6.
The temperature was 57 degrees with 11 mph SSW winds, it was sunny but the sun was going down quick. I ran the 14.2 miles in 2:18:51 with an average pace of 9:47 min/mile, an elevation gain of 330 feet and a loss of 329 feet.
Mile 1 – 10:05
Mile 2 – 9:50
Mile 3 – 9:48
Mile 4 – 9:51
Mile 5 – 9:29
Mile 6 – 9:59
Mile 7 – 9:50
Mile 8 – 9:50
Mile 9 – 9:51
Mile 10 – 9:53
Mile 11 – 9:41
Mile 12 – 9:40
Mile 13 – 9:42
Mile 14 – 9:30
14.2      - 9:24

          I was really hoping for another 10 miler on Sunday, to get up above 40 miles for the week………. Except that Saturday night/Sunday morning I was suddenly hit with that damn stomach bug…. I just couldn’t get my stomach to agree to a run all Sunday. I really want to reach 180 miles for February, so instead of resting on Monday – I am getting a couple of runs in J J J J
          I took the dogs out this morning on the trails, and sure enough it was freaking muddy. We ran a slow 6.5 miles in 1:10:00 with a slow pace of 10:46 min/mile, the dogs and I were all muddy at the end of that run. Temperature was 39 degrees, not real bad but I can honestly say I am looking forward to warmer mornings.
Mile 1 – 11:18
Mile 2 – 11:02
Mile 3 – 10:43
Mile 4 – 11:09
Mile 5 – 10:11
Mile 6 – 10:08
Mile 6.5 – 10:58

   Today is going to be sunny and nice, so hopefully I can get out for another 3 miles with Dorian and finish February with 180.7 or so miles. I currently  have 177.7 miles, it would be nice to get a little more for this crappy 29 day month.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 13 - Part One

  So, officially the taper begins this coming weekend... or Sunday, or maybe it's Monday. But I am already lacking motivation to get up in the morning, I guess maybe since I got my 20 (.4 to be exact) in this last Sunday, I am feeling a little more relaxed and not so concerned - as if it's all downhill from here and I can chill. Or it could be this crappy weather, cold and dreary, or cold - dreary - rainy AND windy.... it just sucks man, especially when the worst of the weather is in the morning during my run.
  But I've got to keep running, not crazy but to keep in good shape and stay limber and strong. Or at least sane.... I am not really sure.
  Monday was a rest day, and Tuesday I got up (forced myself up) to temperatures around 36 degrees with a feels like 28 and 10 mph NNE winds.... after running in 60 degrees and raining on Sunday. Blah....... I felt slow and sluggish, tired and.... did I mention sluggish.
  I ran 8 miles in 1:22:03 with an average pace of 10:15 min/mile, elevation gain of 131 feet and a loss of 136 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:51
Mile 2 - 10:39
Mile 3 - 10:08
Mile 4 - 10:22
Mile 5 - 10:13
Mile 6 - 10:03
Mile 7 - 10:05
Mile 8 - 9:41

  Wednesday morning's weather was awful, 20-25 mph winds with rain that morning... suffice to say I didn't get up that morning. The weather was just awful, I did some abdominal strengthening and leg strengthening that evening.
  Thursday morning I still had to force myself out of bed..... after 7 hours of sleep.... ugh. It was another slow and sluggish run, I kept having to talk myself out of turning back and snuggling back into bed. It was 36 degrees with a feels like 31 degrees with 6 mph W winds. I ran 10 miles in 1:39:38 with an average pace of 9:58 min/mile, an elevation gain of 163 feet with a loss of 166 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:31
Mile 2 - 10:18
Mile 3 - 9:46
Mile 4 - 9:58
Mile 5 - 10:05
Mile 6 - 10:00
Mile 7 - 9:46
Mile 8 - 9:56
Mile 9 - 9:46
Mile 10 - 9:29'

Blah...... I'll be so happy when we're heading down to Grand Rivers, KY.... two weeks from today.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 12 - The Long Run

  Week twelve, like week 10 was turning out to be a really good week, the only thing missing was that 20 mile run. The forecast "looked good", until I woke up around 2 AM and I heard it raining and thundering, and then I saw lightning. All I could think of was "f*@king hell, it's almost like fate that I don't run 20 miles.....", but I laid back to down to sleep and tried to not to worry about it. My alarm went off at 5 AM, I got ready for that 20 miler, it was 61 degrees out so I wore shorts and my new pair of GT 2000 4 (Grey/Orange, a size 9 when I normally wear size 8.5), a tee shirt.
 I fitted my Nathan Intensity pack with:

  •  3 Energy Gu's in the front - Chocolate Peanut Butter, Strawberry Banana, and Mandarine Orange
  • my 18 oz bottle with water and 1.5 scoops of Hammer Nutrition Heed (Strawberry)
  • 1.5L bladder of water
  • 3 extra Energy Gu packs (just cause I haven't taken them out since Friday's test run.
  • a ziplock bag of baby wipes
  • a ziplock bag of Hammer Nutrition Electrolyte Capsules
  • my phone
I know I need to start making sure I log this information since I want to run an Ultra, I need to know exactly what worked for me during a long run and what all I had just in case. Since I was running the 4.2 mile loop route, I decided I would stick the vasoline(sp?) in the mailbox. I stepped outside once to realize it was raining so I went back in an grabbed my light rain jacket. 
I only wore it for the first loop, the rain was really light so at the end of my first loop I stuck it in the mailbox. I stopped at the gas station to use the restroom on the first lap, I had a feeling I was going to be dealing with IBS most of this run.
First loop 1-4.2 miles
Mile 1 - 10:39
Mile 2 - 10:18
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 9:51

Second loop 4.2-8.3 miles
 I was hating these shoes. I swear if I could find out who had the bright idea of raising the arch in the new GT 2000 4's.... I'd shove every one of these shoes down their throat! They've ruined a perfectly great brand of shoes with that stupid change. Other than the nasty tingling in my feet, and my bowels.... things were going well, I tried not to think about the fact I need to run 5 loops. I hate loops but it is also a good form of mental strengthening and makes for a real workout. I deviated from the route a bit to hit a different gas station as there was a group of old men congregating there and I hate the feeling that people know my business (especially when it is bathroom business). It added about .25 miles to the route. I consumed an Energy Gu pack at mile 7, while I was drinking from the 18 oz bottle of water every mile or so.
I finished the 2nd loop with 8.3 miles.
Mile 5 - 9:45
Mile 6 - 9:44
Mile 7 - 9:41
Mile 8 - 9:33

Third loop 9-12.5 miles
The light rain was off and on, my shoes were finally easing up but I was tired and sick to my stomach.... not awful but I was so lucky I could make it to either gas stations. This time I went to the first gas station, and then headed off again. At mile 12 I had another gu, the Chocolate Peanut Butter which tasted better. I think the first loop ended at 12.5 miles... to be quite honest I've lost track of the loops.....
Mile 9 - 9:33
Mile 10 - 9:41
Mile 11 - 9:29
Mile 12 - 9:23

Fourth loop 13-17 miles
I was starting the fourth loop!!! But I tried not to think about it, I just wanted to finish this loop and be on the final loop. I had to make another stop at the other gas station adding another .25 miles to the route. I was getting really tired at this point, the hilly roads were tough and the miles were wearing on me. I reached 17 miles just a smidge past the house, I can't remember if I had the last gu or not......  
Mile 13 - 9:28
Mile 14 - 9:28
Mile 15 - 9:22
Mile 16 - 9:26
Mile 17 - 9:15

Fifth loop 18-20.4
Luckily I didn't have to stop for a bathroom break this loop, it was getting real tough. I was hating these hills, and I was seriously tired BUT I had finally reached mile 18, only 2 miles to go. Only 3 big hills left, just a little further and I would be done and I would have my 20 miler run for this training cycle. Around mile 19 I decided I would go for 20.4 so I would get to 57 miles for this week.
I made it to 20.4 miles!!! I got my 20 mile run in, and I am ready for this marathon... even if it is much, much hillier than anything I've ever ran before.
Mile 18 - 9:28
Mile 19 - 9:42
Mile 20 - 9:08
.4        - 9:20

 I ran 20.4 miles in 3:16:37 with an average pace of 9:38 min/miles, an elevation gain of 463 feet,  loss of 462 feet. 
This gives me 57 running miles for week 12, and 63 miles on my feet for the week total. Now I can pretty much relax, the next 3 weeks are downhill from here (in a good way).

Saturday, February 20, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 12 - Part Two

 This week has been going great so far, only Sunday can top it off to being awesome if I can get that 20 miler in.
 Thursday I took the dogs out on the trails for 6.2 miles, then I took Dorian to John James Audubon State Park that afternoon for a hike. We took the backcountry route, as we got off the road and onto the trail it was pretty damn muddy and Dorian lost one of his shoes at one point. Those first .4 miles had me wondering if we should've turned around, but I am glad we didn't. We ended up run/hiking 3 miles in 1:18:40, with an elevation gain of 331 feet and a loss of 326 feet. It was 54 degrees, it felt nice but was starting to get really windy towards the evening and the sun was going down as we got to the lake which is where Dorian decided he wanted to stop and watch the ripples in the lake caused by the wind...... we still had like a mile to go and the it was getting dark... fast. Let's just say I had to carry him a lot of the rest of the way - piggyback style which he just loved that.. my back didn't on the uphills lol.
  Friday I woke up wore out and just dead, which normally isn't a big deal but there were winds of 15 mph and gusts of up to 20 mph. Let's just say I went back to sleep, the whole day got worse. The temperature was fine, around 65 degrees but we had winds up to 28 mph and gusts beyond that. It didn't start calming down until late in the afternoon, my mom came out and watched Dorian and I went for an 8.4 mile run. I had also received my new Nathan Intensity (for women) hydration pack and was excited to try it out on this run. I filled up the 1.5L bladder, stuck some gu's in the pack and my phone. I had an 18 oz Nathan bottle with some Gu Fizz tablets but ended up leaving that in the mailbox as the fizz tablets made the water demonic and it was spouting like a water fountain (not cool) so I stuck my phone where the bottle should've been.
  I just want to say, I love this pack already. It has one snap on clip in the front and the hose/spout is attached to the right side clip (the hose comes out of the pack on the right side). I just unsnap and slide my pack right off, it is so quick I could have my phone in the back pocket and be able to reach it quickly if I were getting a call or needed my phone. My UltrAspire has to snaps in the front and the hose goes across the top/front of the pack from the right side to the left so I have to unsnap the two buckles then unsnap the hose before I can take it off... it can be very annoying. But I still love it, it's been good to me for the last 3-4 years. My new love is going to accompany me on (hopefully) tomorrow's 20 miler and at the LBL.
 Back to the run, it was still 9 mph SSW winds and 61 degrees that evening but other then that it wasn't too bad. The warmer temperature definitely had me sweating, but other than that it felt great to be wearing shorts and sweating again. I ended up running 8.4 miles in 1:20:12 with an average pace of 9:33 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 162 feet and a loss of 163 feet. I tried to keep it at an easy pace, but heck I really wasn't breathing hard at all so I didn't worry too much.
Mile 1 - 10:10
Mile 2 - 10:07
Mile 3 - 9:44
Mile 4 - 9:43
Mile 5 - 9:26
Mile 6 - 9:04
Mile 7 - 9:11
Mile 8 - 9:16
.4      - 8:52

  Saturday morning I woke up, tired as I didn't get to sleep until close to midnight but I decided to head to the gym first for back day. I worked out for about an hour, it was a great workout and then I changed into my shorts and running shoes. I went with only 3.6 miles, that way I've got 36.6 miles for this week before my long run, and if all goes great... that should give me 56.6 miles of running. I did my best to take it easy for this run - 3.6 miles in 34:40 with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile, it was 45 degrees but thankfully no wind AND my gym workout warmed me up plenty.
 Later this morning I took Dorian for another hike at Audubon, it was 70 degrees and sunny, the parking lots were packed and the trails were pretty busy too. After 1.5 miles Dorian started goofing off, stopping to mess with branches, bushes and whatnot... then he would try to go off the trail and "bushwhack" it.... yeah that was a big no  no. It too a lot longer to finish this hike, we hiked 3.2 miles in 1:27:34... he was such a punk. Elevation gain of 357 feet with a loss of 346 feet.
  All in all, I've got 43 miles of being on my feet.... if I can get those 20 miles in tomorrow.... I'll have my highest mileage for this training cycle - at 63 miles, during my peak week just before the taper.
  Cross your fingers for me.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 12 - Part One

  Well, only... or less than... 3 weeks until the 2016 Land Between the Lakes Marathon (March 12). I think it's 3 weeks from this coming weekend or Saturday, which means this week is the final week and chance I have to get in a good weekly mileage with a 20 miler to top it off at, because next weekend begins the taper - the Bound the Mounds Half Marathon race of course is on February 27 at Angel Mounds. This will be my first year running it, the last 2-3 years have either been seriously muddy or icy or I had another race to worry about. So far it looks like things will be okay, if the temps get cold enough that Friday night and stay just below freezing we should have some relatively frozen but soft ground... it's the flooded sections that bug me.
  It's crazy to think that the race is only 3 weeks and a couple days away, as long as things go well we should be able to leave Thursday afternoon on March 10 to head down there and stay until Sunday. 
  Anyways... as for week 12, so far I've gotten in 24.6 miles and it's Thursday so in other words this week is going pretty good. 
  Monday was a rest day (as usual) and Tuesday I woke up no problem, it was 34 degrees with no wind. I dressed accordingly. I was definitely feeling Sunday's hills, my quads, butt and calves were sore as hell. It wasn't the fastest run, but I got in 8 miles in 1:21:26 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile. Elevation gain of 132 feet and a loss of 137 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:48
Mile 2 - 9:50
Mile 3 - 10:20
Mile 4 - 10:22
Mile 5 - 10:23
Mile 6 - 10:01
Mile 7 - 10:01
Mile 8 - 9:40

    It was actually a pretty dangerous run, extremely foggy. There were times I thought I was on the movie "The Mist" and I could've sworn I heard some big flying towards me from behind.... yeah... little scary.

   Wednesday morning I was feeling a little better, it was 36 degrees with a feels like 31, 6 mph WNW winds. I decided to run a different route, one I haven't ran in a long time because the first 4 miles aren't safe and people heading to work or school are total jerks. I've just been getting tired of the same old route everything, turning right each time at the end of our driveway. Other than a few drivers, it went pretty good. I ended up running 10.4 miles in 1:44:18 with an average pace of 10:02 min/mile, I am still feeling the soreness/fatigue from Sunday's run but not bad. Elevation gain of 258 feet, and a loss of 265 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:16
Mile 2 - 10:03
Mile 3 - 10:00
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 10:12
Mile 6 - 10:02
Mile 7 - 10:08
Mile 8 - 10:00
Mile 9 - 9:52
Mile 10 - 9:53
Mile 10.4 - 9:40

   Overall, not a bad run. I did some leg strengthening exercises later that morning before heading in. (I've also got some new weights, a 25 lb dumbbell and a EZ curl bar with two 25 lb plates for working my arms, but that was on Tuesday). Before heading into the shop, I took lil bit to Wesselman's for a hike, it was still pretty damn cold so we only hiked 1 mile. Wednesday night, I went to bed late... around 11 and I felt it hard when I woke up at 4:05 this morning, a bad headache and the serious desire to stay in bed.
  I really, really, REALLY didn't want to get up. This was the first Thursday in 3 weeks that I was able to get up and out of bed, and I didn't want to. But I made a promise to the doggies, I was going to take them out on the trails for a run. 
  It was 30 degrees, though it felt a little colder. I dressed accordingly, we got there just after 5 AM. 
  From the get go, it sucked. Well... not really, but I was tired and my headlamp was extremely low (I keep it in my Tahoe, so I guess the cold weather zaps it of power). The ground was extremely frozen but it was solid enough not to get stuck in mud, so that was good. The bad - there were so many flooded sections, icy, cold bone chilling water and some of it about a foot (12") deep. I really tried to avoid getting my feet wet, but that wasted more time and I bet all of it ended up tacking 3 minutes onto my total time. I'll be so happy when the grounds are
   We ran 6.2 miles in 1:07:44 with an average pace of 10:55 min/mile, definitely took it slow and easy but I was feeling a lot better during the last 2 miles... if only we had an extra 30-40 minutes I would have ran us for another 2-3 miles. You'll notice that the faster splits are the where I was able to avoid a lot of water/ice, the slower splits are the ones with the icy, flooded sections.
Mile 1 - 11:56
Mile 2 - 10:54
Mile 3 - 10:44
Mile 4 - 10:33
Mile 5 - 10:39
Mile 6 - 11:01
Mile 6.2 - 9:37

  So far that gives me 24.6 miles, and I am hoping for 8-10 miles tomorrow morning... just praying that the winds aren't what they're forecasting (16-20 mph). If I can do 8 or 10, then I will only have to do like 4-5 on Saturday and then try my best to get in one 20 miler before I have to start tapering.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 11 - Long Run

  I am really not liking winter marathon training, let me just say that first. Not only that, but my garmin 220 is losing charge way too quickly, and I am pretty sure it started back in January when the cold weather started. I've always charged it to 100% after each run, no matter where it was at. I am pretty sure I could run 15-18 miles with it starting at full charge and ending around 60-75%, not the case anymore. A 10 mile run will nearly set it back to 30% from 100%, and this morning it nearly died on me.
  I got up late, at 5:30 AM... my phone is completely trashed - back in September or October I dropped it and nearly smashed the screen, it's been barely hanging on since and now the screen won't come on, it just blinks like crazy. I'm going to have to take it in and hopefully someone can repair it. I guess my alarm didn't go off. I got up, once again put tons of layers on but I chose not to wear a mask. It was 25 degrees out with a feels like 19, with 5 mph "every which way" winds. 
  Since I was doing a 3.2 mile loop, I decided to put my bottle of water and perpetuem mix in the mailbox, I would just stop on each loop and take a few gulps. I did the math, and I needed to run 5-6 loops to get to 20 miles. I expected this to be tough as there are 3 really good sized hills, and they aren't easy. Let me tell you, this was an interesting run..... for a loop.
  First loop: miles 1-3.2 
Nothing interesting, I felt stiff and stuck and constricted in the clothes, I was really hating winter and all these layers. Especially as I was wearing my hydration pack too (not sure why as I was doing a loop, I could've just stuck a bottle or two of water in the mailbox and a couple energy gu packs). 
Mile 1 - 10:11
Mile 2 - 10:07
Mile 3 - 9:40
  Second loop: miles 4-7
I decided around mile 4 or so to turn down another street and make the loop a little larger this time, giving me about 4 miles instead of 3.2. I was starting to feel a little looser, but I was still dreading the hills - I know they make me stronger but I still hate them.
Mile 4 - 9:30
Mile 5 - 9:40
Mile 6 - 9:33
Mile 7 - 9:12
  Third loop: miles 8-11
On this one, I decided to make it a tiny bit larger with an extra .25 miles to it. I turned down another road and so I was able to stop at the gas station and use the bathroom to pee. Things were going well, I was on the 3rd loop which is probably the most I've done on this loop. My legs were definitely feeling the hills though, but I was enjoying my music and being out there so it seemed all good.
Mile 8 - 9:17
Mile 9 - 9:32
Mile 10 - 9:14
Mile 11 - 8:53
   Fourth Loop: miles 12-16
Things were going great, I figured on the math that this loop would give me 15 miles and one more loop and a little configuring would give me that final 5 which would total 20 miles. Then the dreaded happened - at mile 12.3 my garmin started blinking "low battery".... are you freaking kidding me!!!! I only need like 8 more miles to reach that golden number and now this stupid thing is threatening to die before reaching my goal (I am still at the stage where I need this validation, this proof that I did in fact run "so many miles in a certain amount of time. It doesn't matter what I know I ran, it matters what the watch says dang it). I was extremely aggravated, I was tired and aching at this point and the idea of being out running when this thing dies... not knowing when it dies, or if it will save my run... it just had me really annoyed. 
  Through all this, I decided to push it to 16 miles. It was already 9:30, and I was certain Cameron and Dorian were up and I needed to just finish and be pleased with 16 miles.
Mile 12 - 9:03
Mile 13 - 9:21
Mile 14 - 9:12
Mile 15 - 9:07
Mile 16 - 9:01

  So I ran 16 miles in 2:30:35 with an average pace of 9:24 min/mile, elevation gain of 372 feet and a loss of 373 feet. I really was expecting more like 500-800 but I guess this hilly route just isn't quite that hilly.
  This gives me a total of 51 miles for week 11, better than the week before but not as good/great as week 9. We've got some sort of arctic storm today through Monday and then rain through Monday to Wednesday before things start warming up on Thursday. I really hope that winter will be done at that point, I am tired of wearing so many layers of clothes, I just want to wear shorts and a sports bra, or a tee shirt at the most.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 11 - Part Two

  This week has been tough, Winter is trying to hang on hard and some sort of arctic blast is coming through. Last Tuesday and Wednesday was really tough and cold.
   Thursday I wasn't able to run, I woke up at 4:05 and hesitated but then Dorian woke up as well. And Cameron didn't get home in time so I took that day as rest day 2 for this week. Friday wasn't too bad weather wise, it was 28 degrees and pretty much no wind but I think there was snow..... I had originally planned 8-9 miles so that I could shorten Saturday's run, I ended up running 10 miles instead.
  I ran 10 mile in 1:38:34 with an average pace of 9:51 min/mile, elevation gain of 205 feet and a loss of 213 feet.
Mile 1 - 10:06
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:53
Mile 4 - 9:54
Mile 5 - 9:46
Mile 6 - 9:45
Mile 7 - 9:45
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:41
Mile 10 - 9:46

  So I've gotten in two double digit  runs into this week, hopefully it won't affect Sunday' long run which I will get to my concern about it here shortly.
  This morning it was 16 degrees, but with a feels like 4 with 9 mph N winds. I decided to go ahead to the gym first and work my back for about an hour, then I changed at the gym - I seriously hate putting on so many layers, it takes forever and it is really annoying.
  I headed out for 7 miles, it was tough at first with the cold but I managed to belt them out. I ran the 7 miles in 1:04:49 with an average pace of 9:15 min/mile, which actually felt pretty easy and didn't feel tough at all.
Mile 1 - 9:43
Mile 2 - 9:26
Mile 3 - 9:15
Mile 4 - 9:06
Mile 5 - 9:08
Mile 6 - 9:09
Mile 7 - 9:01

  With that I have managed to get in 35 miles this week, I need/WANT that 20 miles tomorrow but I am worried about the weather. It's one thing to get in 7-10 miles in these kinds of temps but to be out there for 2.5-3 hours and exposing my body to that would be stupid and dangerous. The forecast is showing temps to be around 20-21 degrees at 5 AM with a feels like 12 degrees, winds around 7-8 mph which might really make it tough. After this morning's run I seriously figured I wouldn't even make it close to 15 miles but after a bit of thinking..... I might have an idea.
  There's a 3-3.4 mile loop around my house, as much as I hate it, it might be a good idea to run this loop the whole time. If I do start having any problems, I will only be 20-25 minutes from home instead of an hour to an hour an a half.
We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Week 11 - Part One

  So last week was a tough week after an extremely great week, but Dorian was extremely miserable and sick so I ended up running Tuesday and Wednesday before deciding I wouldn't run until he was feeling better, Thursday night I realized I needed to take him to the clinic - he was miserable, more miserable than he's ever been when sick. He was exhausted, I hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since that last weekend and wasn't able to nap either. Turns out he had an infection in both ears and his throat was extremely sore and swollen, it was so red but thankfully he tested negative for strep. They prescribed some antibiotics that I had to pick up and by Friday night he was feeling noticeably better. Saturday he was just about back to his old self, except for the minor cough now - he fights like hell when I am trying to make him take his medicine.... 
  I decided to go for a run Sunday, having not run for 3 days was about to drive me crazy.  Strangely it was really warm that morning, I decided to at least make it 13.1 miles to get me over 30 miles for the week..... this run was going to be tough though, it was 57 degrees so I chose to wear shorts and a tee, but I had no idea the wind would be so brutal - 21 mph SW winds......
  I ended up running 14.1 miles in 2:12:54 with an average pace of 9:25 min/mile, an elevation gain of 351 feet and a loss of 359 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:36
Mile 2 - 9:25
Mile 3 - 9:27
Mile 4 - 9:21
Mile 5 - 9:12
Mile 6 - 9:28
Mile 7 - 9:12
Mile 8 - 9:19 
Mile 9 - 9:20
Mile 10 - 9:38
Mile 11 - 9:31
Mile 12 - 9:19
Mile 13 - 9:44
Mile 14 - 9:21
Mile 14.1 - 9:50

   That finished out week 10 with 31 miles, not a great week after an awesome week of 56.4 miles but after that 19 mile long run I feel extremely confident that I'll be able to handle the LBL marathon, especially if I hike the hills and just enjoy it. BUT I really, really, REALLY want to have a 20 miler under my belt - during my first marathon training cycle back in 2014 I was able to get in two 20 miles.... so far that distance has remained elusive to me since.

 So for Week Eleven, things have started off well enough... although extremely cold compared to Sunday's run. I'll be so happy when winter is over and warm weather comes back for a longer than a few days.
  Monday I rested, and Tuesday morning I was up at 4:05 and dressed accordingly to the what I hoped was warm enough but not to warm. It was 23 degrees with a feels like 13 and 9 mph W winds. Yeah it sucked a bit, and it was snowing, thankfully most of my run was with my back to the West until the final half mile. I ran 8 miles in 1:20:32 with an average pace of 10:04, my legs were tired and slow and cold - for some strange reason the 14.1 mil run was tougher on me than the 19 mile run.... of course I didn't bother to take any fuel or fluid during that run either....
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 10:09
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:56
Mile 7 - 10:04
Mile 8 - 9:58

   I was honestly glad to be done with it, I had planned to run a quick 6 but ended up with 8 so nothing to complain about.

   Tuesday morning I woke up at 4:05 AM, and already realized it was going to be a tough run and figured I'd probably end up with 6-7 miles as I didn't want to be out too long in this weather. 
  It was 18 degrees out with a feels like 6 degrees, 10 mph NW winds.... I chose to wear my face/mouth mask, two head bands, and my warmest tights, two layers of long sleeves - a thermal under shirt and a long sleeves made for 30- temperature, can't remember what brand though.
  It sucked, especially around the final 2-3 miles and the final mile was against the wind. It was blistering, I seriously expected to end up with frost bite on my face and legs (luckily I didn't). My fingers were freezing cold, it was unbearable and I just wanted to be done. I ended up running 10 miles in 1:40:12 with an average pace of 10:01, probably the slowest I've ran 10 miles in a while... my legs were freezing cold and didn't move very much at all.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:23
Mile 2 - 10:23
Mile 3 - 10:02
Mile 4 - 10:09
Mile 5 - 9:59
Mile 6 - 9:51
Mile 7 - 9:45
Mile 8 - 9:57
Mile 9 - 10:00
Mile 10 - 9:43

   Hopefully, just hopefully the rest of this week will go well and maybe I can even get that taunting 20 mile run in this Sunday.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

2016 LBL Marathon Training Week 10 - Part One

  This week started off really good, but I could tell it probably wouldn't end that way by Wednesday. Dorian was getting a cold, it started with a cough last week and then around Monday or Tuesday started the sniffles. I thought he was getting better by Wednesday morning, but I was wrong and by Wednesday evening he was miserable and by Thursday morning he was extremely miserable. Exhausted from not being able to get a good night's sleep since Monday and barely getting a good nap during the afternoon, he was extremely exhausted and just miserable. I could tell he was trying to be himself, happy and energetic but it was weighing on him terribly, and really starting to show. I brought him home this afternoon, he was able to fall asleep until he was on the couch and he only got about an hour or two but they were short moments of peace in between constantly coughing and sniffling. When he finally woke up, he looked even more miserable and I decided it was time to take him to the clinic. Sure enough, he has an infection in both ears and his tonsils are badly swollen, and his throat is inflamed and irritated. 
  But now that we've got the proper antibiotics, hopefully he'll be able to get some peaceful sleep tonight and tomorrow. 
  I ran 6.4 miles Tuesday and 10.5 miles Wednesday, I chose not to get up this morning because Dorian was so unhappy and I decided not to go for a run tonight. His health and well being is much more important than my running, he is finally sleeping peacefully right now... with a few little awakenings but not as much as before he was given his medicine. I hope he'll sleep through the night, but I most likely won't go for a run in the morning unless he doesn't cough at all and sleep straight through, but I will be keeping him home tomorrow and letting him rest all day.
  I was hoping for a 20 mile long run Sunday, but I am not worried about it. I honestly felt quite confident after my 19 miler this last Sunday that I will be able to run the LBL marathon. But, hopefully I can get in a good week for week 11 with a 20 miler. I just want my little guy to feel better.