Sunday, September 6, 2015

You Can Pretty Much Say I'm Screwed

  These last 3 weeks have been hell, they've started out great but by the weekend something happens. The first week was due to a lot of stress and just feeling drained mentally, so I called it a cutback week (30.9 miles), then the second week I was dealing with a horrible case of poison ivy and my upper/inner thighs were starting to ache, not a painful ache but more like an annoyance with which you feel when you have a constant wedgie. That week was another cutback week, due to missing that long run ( 28.5 miles). I felt good starting this week, I had gotten medication for my poison ivy, I was feeling better about work and our new CPA accountant people and things were going great. But by Friday my inner thighs were seriously aching even when walking, and Saturday morning I decided not to run and to give my body rest. Well that wasn't the only problem, I discovered Saturday morning that my sinuses were acting up. Oh yes, that horrible headache and congestion in your nose and right between and behind your eyes. I also found out what exactly was going on with my legs, my Adductor muscles have been just crazy tight, tightening up with even the slightest bend in my knees. So I spent a lot of yesterday stretching, foam rolling and having better hopes. I went to bed last night feeling good, feeling loose and ready to take on 16 miles. But after a sleepless night, I woke up feeling like crap. My upper right quad (the very top) was stiff and my head was feeling crushed in, in other words I felt like shit. 
   Sure, it happens once, maybe twice a year to me - my sinuses start acting up and I feel like a train has spent the whole night running me over.... but during marathon training!!!!????? Damn it! I am about to freaking overdose on all the sinus drugs I can find, just to rid myself of this feeling.
  Hopefully, now that I know the problem with my legs... with enough stretching and foam rolling and maybe a massage as soon as my MT is back in town, I will be feeling much better. At least I hope so, I just wish the marathon would hurry up and get here before I lose more weeks to this crap. This year has been awful for me, I know every runner goes through tough times and somehow manages to get through it, but for some stupid reason I am always planning the next 12 months so that when something gets in the way or slows me down, I worry myself sick. The only good thing is I've been able to keep up with weight lifting, it's nowhere near as challenging as running, at least that's how I feel.
I did manage to run 5.2 miles Friday, but hopefully, just hopefully 3 days of no running will do me good and this sinus issue will be gone by Tuesday morning along with my legs feeling better. I might have to find another massage therapist though.....

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