Thursday, September 17, 2015

Some Hope at Last..... I think

 So the last few days have been interesting..... Monday I still woke up stiff and sore, Tuesday I went for a 5.3 mile run that was a bit sore and achy during the first 3-4 miles. I felt fine for the rest of the day, took Dorian for a hike/run that evening and was feeling it a bit afterwards. Wednesday was tough, I was feeling rather stiff and sore in the groin again... I only managed 4.3 miles on the trails with my doggies. It was a bit of a let down, I was feeling more stiff than I had during the last few runs.
Wednesday evening I went to see the massage therapist and got a deep tissue massage focused mainly on my right thigh - the Adductor, the groin and the quad. She also worked on my hamstrings and glutes. This morning I didn't wake up as stiff and sore but I was a little tender on the Adductor and groin area where she worked the hardest. I decided to head to the gym and not run this morning, figured I'd wait until this evening.
This evening I took Dorian to the riverfront for a very easy run, expecting soreness and didn't think I would get more than a mile or two.......
I am trying not to be excited, because the real sign will be how I wake up in the morning. But I felt no pain, no stiffness, no aches during our 4 mile run, hell my calves even felt great. For the first time in the last 2 weeks I felt like I could run my full (easy) stride without tearing my groin apart, like it was finally loosened up and feeling better. The areas she worked the most were still a tiny bit tender, just a tiny bit but not much at all. I am trying not to get my hopes up, as much as I want to. I tried to keep the run slow and easy, but it just felt so good to finally be running without any kind of discomfort. 

  We'll see about the next few days, my next deep tissue massage is September 26, and I plan on having my regular MT work me over from top to bottom.

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