Saturday, September 26, 2015

Survived This Week.... I Think

  It's been tough as hell, but so far I've managed 36.3 miles even under my circumstances.... six of those without Dorian. I cannot describe just how hard it's been pushing Dorian in the stroller, 65 lbs is just really hard. I am feeling it at the end of this week, and seriously thinking about taking tomorrow off from anything.
  Thursday I ran 5 miles while pushing Dorian, and then Friday I actually got a lucky break and was able to run 6.1 miles on the Chandler roads without Dorian. I got the hubby fed and taken care of, got Dorian fed, bathed and busy with some words cards... so I got to go out and run 6.1 miles. I was extremely tired and ready for bed, yep it's been a tough week... but it wasn't over yet.
  This morning I slept in until 7 something, then eventually I got Dorian and ready to go for a run. I cannot begin to describe just how hard and tough and painful the 8.1 miles was this morning while pushing that stroller. I was really beginning to hate running...... I need a week without running with that stroller, I miss my old life and wish I had seen this coming, I would have done something or said something to prevent it but sadly hubby had reached his breaking point with being interrupted and woken up. Maybe in a few weeks Dorian will be back to sleeping through the night, then I can at least get back to getting up  at 5 AM or something like that.
  I got my massage appointment, it was tough... hopefully it will help. 
Anyways... if I do happen to get a run in tomorrow, I will let you know. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

At a Loss, Everything Was Finally Looking Up........... (Long Rant Full of Tears)

  My 11 miler yesterday went great, no pain or soreness or anything. I did get hunger pains around mile 9 but that was it, I was finally seeing that lining in the sky.... until later that morning.
  Well, it's been building actually... for a few months now, Dorian will wake up while I am gone and wake DH up. Unfortunately DH doesn't like having his sleep interrupted but tolerated it for so long. Dorian is also behind in his speech development, little to no words up until about 4-5 weeks ago when he just started saying a few words and is now trying to say all the 10 primary/main colors, numbers 1-10 and most of the ABC's, along with other two letter words. It's been difficult for me over the last 3.5 years, not just because I was new at this parenting thing but I am not a natural teacher. Every time I would try and sit down with him and work with him on anything, he'd get up and run around, he wasn't interested in any of it, just running around. I felt lost and confused and I wasn't sure what to do, but apparently it is 100% my fault and I've been neglecting him. We tried a speech therapist earlier this year and another therapist but they stop at 3 years old so it was short, even though I am sure they would have made breakthroughs if they were given more time. Dorian was right on track with development until about 11 months old when he learned to walk and then run, then over the course of the next 2 years all he wanted to do was go-go-go, just run as much as he could. He didn't care about talking or anything, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. And so it is all my fault, because I should have a routine with him when he doesn't like routines. I try to work with him whenever he wants to work on things, which is a lot now, but.... I don't know.
  My husband needs sleep, even though he could choose to come home at 7 PM and try to go to bed at 9 PM, but he usually stays up until 11-12 AM. And I have no idea why Dorian will wake up while I am gone, most times he will wake up in a good mood and then fall back to sleep but my husband's sleep is still interrupted. 
 Yesterday morning, after I had fixed breakfast and made sure Dorian and hubby were full and comfy even though hubby really wanted to sleep in but was woke up at 8:15 AM (I didn't get out of bed until 7:45 this time), he was okay about it. But then I decided to take a bath, well.... Dorian now uses his recliner and pushes it around to reach things normally out of his reach. No sooner was I in the tub for about 5 minutes but I heard him running back in forth down the hallway shaking something liquid. It was freaking charcoal liter fluid..... why on Earth it was in one of the hallway cabinets and not the kitchen or garage is beyond me, but he had gotten it all over our bed, our bedroom floor and the hallway, if somebody had dropped a match in there, the place would've gone up in flames. My husband had enough at this point, and was so enraged that he said no more running, no more working out, nothing. He was serious, even to the point that I might have to choose between him and running/working out.
 After a few hours and when he was finally cooled down, we talked but my getting up so early was over and done. I could get up at 6:50 AM and go for a 45-50 minute run in the mornings but that was it (and even though it is nice enough out right now to take Dorian later in the day, pretty soon it will be too cold). And no more working out at the gym.....
I feel broken and full of despair, working out and running fought and smothered so many demons I have, both kept them quiet and hell they aren't even going to wait a week before showing their ugly faces now. I feel cornered, I feel like I am already dealing with that whole withdrawal thing.... I just want to start drinking, I've got a lot of whiskey here and it's looking real good right now :(
I don't know when Dorian will start sleeping through the night again, when he'll actually start speaking words and talking, but this winter is going to be the hardest winter I've had to deal with in 5 years.
 I'll be lucky if I can run the Evansville Half Marathon next weekend, but it looks like IMM is out of the question sadly.......... how the hell can I prepare for a marathon on only 30-35 mpw????? And that is if I am lucky to get that :( :'(
With all that is going on, I won't be posting on the loop very often and for a while unless somehow miraculously things change...... but I doubt it.
I got 4 miles in this afternoon with Dorian, but Winter is on it's way...... so long loopsters. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Some Hope at Last..... I think

 So the last few days have been interesting..... Monday I still woke up stiff and sore, Tuesday I went for a 5.3 mile run that was a bit sore and achy during the first 3-4 miles. I felt fine for the rest of the day, took Dorian for a hike/run that evening and was feeling it a bit afterwards. Wednesday was tough, I was feeling rather stiff and sore in the groin again... I only managed 4.3 miles on the trails with my doggies. It was a bit of a let down, I was feeling more stiff than I had during the last few runs.
Wednesday evening I went to see the massage therapist and got a deep tissue massage focused mainly on my right thigh - the Adductor, the groin and the quad. She also worked on my hamstrings and glutes. This morning I didn't wake up as stiff and sore but I was a little tender on the Adductor and groin area where she worked the hardest. I decided to head to the gym and not run this morning, figured I'd wait until this evening.
This evening I took Dorian to the riverfront for a very easy run, expecting soreness and didn't think I would get more than a mile or two.......
I am trying not to be excited, because the real sign will be how I wake up in the morning. But I felt no pain, no stiffness, no aches during our 4 mile run, hell my calves even felt great. For the first time in the last 2 weeks I felt like I could run my full (easy) stride without tearing my groin apart, like it was finally loosened up and feeling better. The areas she worked the most were still a tiny bit tender, just a tiny bit but not much at all. I am trying not to get my hopes up, as much as I want to. I tried to keep the run slow and easy, but it just felt so good to finally be running without any kind of discomfort. 

  We'll see about the next few days, my next deep tissue massage is September 26, and I plan on having my regular MT work me over from top to bottom.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

This Morning's Long Run

 This morning I woke to it being 66 degrees in the house (you can't gauge my excitement through a keyboard lol, but I love pajama pants wearing weather ). It was about 52 degrees out at my house, but I decided to still wear shorts and a t-shirt. My Tahoe was cold, and the leather seats were worse lol, by the time we got to the trails my thermostat was saying 45 degrees (the Angel Mounds trails are right next to the river so it's always colder there). I went ahead and replaced the batteries in my headlamp, I think I only need to replace them like once a year so everytime I forget how to open the damn things.
  It was still dark when we started, the first 4 miles were in darkness so I had my headlamp on. I was aiming for anywhere between 6-8 miles this morning, gauging how my legs were feeling and if the dogs would hold up well. This would be Jetta's longest run yet. She has a really easy, steady stride that she starts with and just keeps it all the way through (maybe it's a GSD thing?) while Rocky will start out really fast and then slow down in the middle and then get slower towards the end, which is why it's nice to hit the trails so I don't have to have them on a leash.  
  Overall the run went really good, the first mile was the slowest (which is usual for my trail runs, I don't really push myself towards my road pace when on trails). Actually, looking at my garmin it shows my 4th mile was 4 seconds slower than the first mile, understandable.
  By about mile 5.3 we got back around the loop towards the parking lot and headed to drop my headlamp off at the Tahoe since it was light enough out that I didn't need it. So far my legs were feeling okay, tired and almost like I had already been out there for 6-7 miles but no pain. We headed back out for one more loop with hopes of reaching 8 miles.
  I am happy to say that we finished 8.3 miles on the trails this morning, in 1:28:39 with an average pace of 10:41 min/mile. 
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:08
Mile 2 - 10:20
Mile 3 - 10:19
Mile 4 - 11:12
Mile 5 - 10:27
Mile 6 - 10:38
Mile 7 - 11:03
Mile 8 - 10:39
.3       - 9:34

    I am feeling hopeful but I am not wanting to feel completely out of the woods yet, next week I am still going to take it easy and probably run my long run around 12 miles while leaving my mid-week long run around 8-9 miles just to be safe. I am also going to schedule a massage on Wednesday, hopefully a deep tissue massage will help me tremendously. Then if all goes well I can resume my training while staying cautious and sticking with foam rolling and stretching and icing. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Last Three Days

  So it's been a few days, the massage was a weird one called Reflexology or whatever, mainly focusing on the feet. She found that I currently have Sciatica, which I had an awful case of it during pregnancy but didn't think it was still an issue.
  Thursday I took Dorian and the dogs for a hike, it included a little bit of running as Dorian is getting more and more into it, I felt a little ache but not much. So I decided that if I woke up feeling good enough Friday morning, I would take the dogs for a run on the trails. Well I woke up feeling a tiny bit achy but nothing like earlier this week, so I took it as a sign and took the dogs for an easy 3.2 miles on the trails. There was a little bit of ache but nothing I felt I needed to worry about, and it even went away after a while and after getting home and out of the Tahoe I wasn't limping or hurting so that was a good sign. I headed to the gym after that.
 Standing Barbell Curls: 60lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps, 60lbsX6reps, 60lbsX6reps 
Triceps Overhead: 25lbsX12reps, 27.5lbsX8reps, 25lbsX12reps, 27.5lbsX8reps, 27.5lbsX8reps 
Fly Delts: 80lbsX8reps, 75lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 75lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps 
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Downs: 5 sets / 12 reps / 70 lbs 
Concentration Dumbbell Curls: 22.5lbsX10reps, 25lbsX7reps, 22.5lbsX10reps, 25lbsX8reps, 27.5lbsX5reps, 27.5lbsX5reps

This morning I woke up with somewhat of a hangover.... I might have drank a little too much Friday night lol. But my legs were feeling pretty good still, not 100% ache free or stiff free but I wasn't getting out of bed and immediately limping or feeling like my right leg had been in a strange position all night. So I got dressed and took the dogs to the trails, it was an amazing 57 degrees out.... I can't even begin to describe how good it felt to be out there. We ran 4.3 miles out there, and it took a lot out of me.... or maybe I was still feeling the effects of the whiskey from last night, so I got home and just went back to bed lol. Figured I could take a couple days off from the gym.
  Later this morning I decided to take Dorian to John James Audubon State Park, having to leave the dogs at home. My little boy is becoming quite the trail runner, he handles those hills up and down so good. Especially compared to last year or the year before, I can't remember the last time I took him to JJASP but I know it scared me when I thought he twisted his ankle. 
  This was more like a run actually, this boy barely walked our 2.2 miles and the first mile was done in 16:42 (!!!!) which is a great PR for him, just a few weeks ago he did a mile in around 19 minutes which took 4-5 minutes off of last year's 23-24 minute miles. Of course that is his first mile, he does normally slow down quite a bit afterwards, usually around 22-23 min/mile. Our second mile was around 28 minutes as the hills got difficult and he needed to hold my hand a couple of times.... on very narrow trails. I am really going to enjoy watching him improve over the next few months and years, I cannot wait until he's out there running with me regularly.... I won't have to get up at the crack of dawn to run, I can wait until 6-7 AM and take him and the dogs running.
The elevation chart

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Taking a Week off From Running, and Thinking

It's aggravating and upsetting, wondering when the warning signs actually began and wishing I had paid better attention to them, maybe I would have seen them sooner.
At some point late last week, maybe Saturday morning actually.... hell I can't remember :( but I was waking up with the very top of my right quadricep stiff and achy, and I couldn't figure out why so I decided to not run on Saturday. I was going to aim for my 16 miler Sunday morning but woke up just as stiff and achy in that same spot..... needless to say I didn't run.

Monday morning I woke up feeling the same, after hitting the gym for Back Day -
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps 
Underhand Seated Row: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps 
Torso Rotation: 80lbsX12reps, 85lbsX8reps, 80lbsX12reps, 85lbsX8reps 
Parallel Lat Pull Down: 110lbsX12reps, 115lbsX8reps, 110lbsX12reps, 115lbsX12reps, 110lbsX12reps 
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps 
Seated Cable Row: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps

 I decided to try for an easy run, 1-2 miles just to see how my legs were feeling. It wasn't good, I stopped at half a mile and said screw it. I was down and upset and just beyond anything a single negative word or thought could describe. So I decided that I am going to take this week off, ice what I can and foam roll as much as possible while stretching carefully. I've scheduled a massage tomorrow evening, with a new MT as mine is in Arizona right now. I told her my issues and she thinks she might be able to "release" or something like that, as I am sure it's going to be quite uncomfortable.
I am still going to the gym and weight lifting, this morning I got up and went in for Biceps, Triceps and Chest Day
Standing Barbell Curls: 45lbsX12reps, 60lbsX6reps, 45lbsX12reps, 60lbsX6reps, 45lbsX12reps, 60lbsX6reps 
Triceps Overhead: 22.5lbsX12reps, 25lbsX10reps, 27.5lbsX8reps, 25lbsX12reps, 27.5lbsX8reps, 25lbsX12reps 
Loaded Plate Chest Press: 90lbsX12reps, 100lbsX8reps, 90lbsX12reps, 100lbsX8reps, 90lbsX12reps 
Concentration Dumbbell Curls: 22.5lbsX10reps, 25lbsX7reps, 22.5lbsX10reps, 25lbsX7reps, 27.5lbsX5reps 
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 17.5lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps, 17.5lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps, 17.5lbsX12reps 
Fly Delts: 80lbsX12reps, 85lbsX8reps, 80lbsX12reps, 85lbsX8reps, 80lbsX12reps 
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Downs: 3 sets / 12 reps / 70 lbs

But I am still left with my thoughts throughout the day and many questions are coming and going, and lingering..... I know I can start the IMM but will I be able to finish it.... in one piece and without injuring myself? I am willing to make a deal with my body, if it can carry me through the race and get me under last year's finish time (4:48:15), then I will give it 2-3 weeks of no running rest. You think that's a good deal.... lol.....???
Normally I am not getting all the paperwork ready until during taper, just to keep myself from going insane. But due to having an overactive mind and fighting depression, I need something to do, I need to make sure all of that is good and ready. I've got my weight lifting to keep me sane during the taper lol, although I think I'll take the final 4 days before the marathon as total rest.

Only 60 days, 32 minutes and so many seconds left..........

Sunday, September 6, 2015

You Can Pretty Much Say I'm Screwed

  These last 3 weeks have been hell, they've started out great but by the weekend something happens. The first week was due to a lot of stress and just feeling drained mentally, so I called it a cutback week (30.9 miles), then the second week I was dealing with a horrible case of poison ivy and my upper/inner thighs were starting to ache, not a painful ache but more like an annoyance with which you feel when you have a constant wedgie. That week was another cutback week, due to missing that long run ( 28.5 miles). I felt good starting this week, I had gotten medication for my poison ivy, I was feeling better about work and our new CPA accountant people and things were going great. But by Friday my inner thighs were seriously aching even when walking, and Saturday morning I decided not to run and to give my body rest. Well that wasn't the only problem, I discovered Saturday morning that my sinuses were acting up. Oh yes, that horrible headache and congestion in your nose and right between and behind your eyes. I also found out what exactly was going on with my legs, my Adductor muscles have been just crazy tight, tightening up with even the slightest bend in my knees. So I spent a lot of yesterday stretching, foam rolling and having better hopes. I went to bed last night feeling good, feeling loose and ready to take on 16 miles. But after a sleepless night, I woke up feeling like crap. My upper right quad (the very top) was stiff and my head was feeling crushed in, in other words I felt like shit. 
   Sure, it happens once, maybe twice a year to me - my sinuses start acting up and I feel like a train has spent the whole night running me over.... but during marathon training!!!!????? Damn it! I am about to freaking overdose on all the sinus drugs I can find, just to rid myself of this feeling.
  Hopefully, now that I know the problem with my legs... with enough stretching and foam rolling and maybe a massage as soon as my MT is back in town, I will be feeling much better. At least I hope so, I just wish the marathon would hurry up and get here before I lose more weeks to this crap. This year has been awful for me, I know every runner goes through tough times and somehow manages to get through it, but for some stupid reason I am always planning the next 12 months so that when something gets in the way or slows me down, I worry myself sick. The only good thing is I've been able to keep up with weight lifting, it's nowhere near as challenging as running, at least that's how I feel.
I did manage to run 5.2 miles Friday, but hopefully, just hopefully 3 days of no running will do me good and this sinus issue will be gone by Tuesday morning along with my legs feeling better. I might have to find another massage therapist though.....

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Nearly Eight More Weeks to Go

I am freaking horrible, first off. This training cycle has been hell and I have slacked so bad on blogging, the last two weeks were awful. The week before last was just terrible, I was mentally drained and just sitting in some deep black hole of depression, and our CPA was making it worse, (We've got new ones now and I feel a bit better). I only managed 30.9 miles that week, calling it a cutback week. Well, it wasn't over. Last week I got an awful case of poison ivy all over my upper thighs and inner thighs and then on up my stomach, it hurt to run and I freaked out thinking my quads were strained or something so I cut that week back to 28.5 miles. I should've ran a 20 miler by now but I haven't, and I really don't feel I need to. 
This week I have pushed to keep up on my workouts, but I won't be running 20 on Sunday, I'll aim for 16 miles, then next weekend I'll aim for 18 and if things are still going better I'll aim for 20 the very next week. I feel surprisingly confident that I don't need a 20 miler though, as crazy as that sounds.
So far this week
Monday - I missed my alarm for my strength training

Tuesday - I ran 5.2 miles in 53:20, pace 10:16 min/mile
To the gym after that for Shoulders/Delts - 52:00
Cable Face Pulls: 70lbsX15reps, 70lbsX15reps, 4 sets / 12 reps / 80 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 15lbsX12reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX12reps, 17.5lbsX10reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX10reps 
Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 90lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 90lbsX8reps 
Barbell Upright Rows: 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps 
Rear Delt: 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps 
Front Plate Raises: 5 sets / 15 reps / 35 lbs

Wednesday - I ran my mid-week long run, 10 miles in 1:37:47 with an average pace of 9:47 min/mile
Mile 1 - 10:57
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 10:08
Mile 4 - 9:55
Mile 5 - 10:00
Mile 6 - 9:38
Mile 7 - 9:46
Mile 8 - 9:16
Mile 9 - 9:30
Mile 10 - 8:17

  Don't ask how I managed that final pace.

Thursday - I ran 5.3 miles this morning, in 51:23 with an average pace of 9:42 min/mile.
Then it was off to the gym for Back day, 51 minutes
Wide Grip Late Pull Down: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps 
Underhand Seated Row: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps 
Torso Rotation: 70lbsX12reps, 75lbsX12reps, 80lbsX10reps 
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX10reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX10reps, 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps 
Seated Cable Row: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps

Oh, did I mention that earlier this week I signed up for the Land Between the Lakes Marathon next March????